CC-2343 wild type mt+ [Jarvik #224, Melbourne, FL]


From Jonathan Jarvik, Carnegie-Mellon University, February 1989

This is a field isolate from Florida. Phylogenetic comparisons of this strain and other C. reinhardtii isolates have been made by Liss, Kirk, Beyser and Fabry, using introns in the Actin and Ypt 4 genes. See GenBank sequences U55889, U55890, and U70561. This strain can grow on nitrate.

Note: a very old typographical error was discovered in April 2008. This strain is actually #224, not #124.

Spanier JG, Graham JE, Jarvik JW (1992) Isolation and preliminary characterization of three Chlamydomonas strains interfertile with Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Chlorophyta). J Phycol 28:822-828

Pröschold T, Harris EH, Coleman AW (2005) Portrait of a species: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics 170:1601-1610