CC-2290 S1 D2 mt-


From P.A. Lefebvre, University of Minnesota, August 1988

This strain, S1 D2, and S1 C5 (CC-1952) are very similar wild Chlamy isolates from Minnesota. They have extensive sequence polymorphisms with the lab strain of C. reinhardtii, but are fully interfertile with it. Crosses between the lab strain and these isolates have been used as the foundation of the molecular map A cDNA library has been prepared from CC-2290. This strain can grow on nitrate.

CC-2290 is the strain needed to use the molecular mapping kit developed in David Stern’s laboratory.

Gross CH, Ranum LP, Lefebvre PA (1988) Extensive restriction fragment length polymorphisms in a new isolate of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Curr Genet 13:503-508