PhD opportunity in Dr. Oliver Caspari’s lab
For the DFG-funded project ‘Exploring Transit Peptides through Photosynthetic Restoration in Chlamydomonas’ in Dr. Oliver Caspari’s lab at the Institute for Microbiology and Biotechnology, Rhenish Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn. Please see: PDF announcement
PhD position in the Petroutsos lab
We are seeking a motivated and driven PhD student for a 4-year position. The project will focus on blue light signaling in the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, specifically investigating the molecular partners of the photoreceptor Phototropin and their role in signal transduction, gene expression and photosynthetic efficiency. Please find the full job advert and application … Continued
Exciting Ph.D. Opportunity in Algal CO2-Concentrating Mechanism at UW-Madison (2025 Fall)
The Shan He lab in the Department of Botany at the University of Wisconsin-Madison invites applications for Ph.D. students wishing to start in Summer/Fall 2025. Our lab explores how eukaryotic algae adjust their photosynthetic strategies at the molecular level in response to fluctuating environmental changes. 🌱🔬🌟Learn more about our research: Qualifications: Demonstrated interest in plant … Continued
Postdoctoral positions in the Petroutsos lab
We are looking for dynamic, self-motivated, team-oriented postdoctoral researchers, to investigate the molecular mechanisms involved in the sensing and response of green microalgae to changes in light and CO2 availability, and in the regulation of photosynthetic CO2 capture and partitioning ( We offer three postdoctoral positions to conduct research on the model green microalga Chlamydomonas … Continued
Ph.D. position in algal biotechnology in the Sasso lab
The Plant Physiology group at the Institute of Biology, Leipzig University, offers a Ph.D. position starting from 1 July 2024, subject to formal funding approval. Activities and responsibilities The unicellular alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii secretes substantial amounts of glycolate under photorespiratory conditions (Taubert et al., Plant Biotechnol. J. 17, 1538-1546 (2019)). As glycolate is an important … Continued
Post-doctoral position in algal synthetic/engineering biology
A Postdoctoral Research Associate position in algal engineering biology is available in the laboratory of Prof. Alistair McCormick at the School of Biological Sciences, University of Edinburgh. We are seeking a highly motivated researcher to take a lead role in testing strategies for improving photosynthesis through a novel high-throughput engineering strategy to modify the chloroplast … Continued
Two research assistant opportunities in the Merchant lab
INTERESTED IN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH? CONSIDERING A GAP YEAR BEFORE GRAD SCHOOL? RESEARCH ASSISTANT OPPORTUNITIES The Merchant Lab in the University of California Berkeley’s Institute for Quantitative Biosciences is hiring two laboratory research technicians- Position 1: Symbiotic interactions between algae and bacteria. Use laboratory culture-based systems to study interactions between algae and bacteria from soil. Explore … Continued
Two postdoc positions available in the Merchant lab
INTERESTED IN A GREAT POST-PH.D. EXPERIENCE WITH MENTORING AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT? POST-DOCTORAL OPPORTUNITIES The Merchant Lab in the University of California Berkeley’s Institute for Quantitative Biosciences has positions on 2 projects- Position 1: Mechanism of nutritional Cu signalling. CRR1 is regulated by Cu-dependent ubiquitylation and degradation. Use reverse genetics, comparative genomics, metal sensors and reporters … Continued
Postdoc/PhD position available under the supervision of Stefania Viola, BiAM, Cadarache (Provence, France)
Molecular determinants of the regulation of alternative photosynthetic electron flows in microalgae Under the supervision of Stefania Viola, Photosynthesis and Environment Team, BiAM, Cadarache (Provence, France) Applications are invited for a postdoc or PhD position to study how alternative photosynthetic electron flows are regulated at the molecular level in microalgae. Our group has a strong … Continued
Two post-doctoral researcher positions in pyrenoid engineering biology
We are currently advertising two post-doctoral researcher positions to work in the McCormick Lab at the School of Biological Sciences, University of Edinburgh. The successful candidates will join a postdoc team (4 including the candidates) and 2 PhD students working together on engineering algal pyrenoid-based CO2-concentrating mechanisms into plants. These projects form part of work … Continued