Post-doctoral position in Hamel laboratory
A 2-year postdoctoral position to perform multi-disciplinary and collaborative research pertaining to the conversion of carbon dioxide and plant waste biomass to advanced biofuels by photosynthetic microbes is available in the Hamel laboratory with close interaction with the North group at Ohio State University (Columbus, Ohio). The future hire will conduct experiments related to protein … Continued
Post-doctoral position in algal synthetic biology
A Postdoctoral Research Associate position in algal synthetic biology is available in the laboratory of Prof. Alistair McCormick at the School of Biological Sciences, University of Edinburgh. We are seeking a highly motivated researcher to take a lead role in testing strategies for improving photosynthesis through engineering the chloroplast genome (the plastome) in the green … Continued
Postdoc position available – Chloroplast Biology and Light-sensing in Microalgae
We offer a post-doctoral position for up to 3 years in the scope of a National Research Agency (ANR)-funded project. We aim to understand the molecular events taking place upon Photosystem II damage. This is a multidisciplinary and collaborative program, and we are looking specifically for someone with experience in membrane protein biochemistry and/or genetics and mutagenesis. … Continued
Postdoctoral position on microalgal-bacterial interactions using Chlamydomonas as model in the Mittag lab
A postdoctoral position is available for a two-year-period in the Maria Mittag lab, Jena, Germany. Please see attached file for more info on the topic and on the application procedure. For question please mail to . Microverse_PostDoc_Mittag_Jena
Postdoctoral position offer: biogenesis of metalloproteins and metabolic engineering of algal hydrogen production
A post‐doctoral position is available for a period of 2 years between two laboratories : Genetics and Physiology of Microalgae (Pr Claire Remacle,, University of Liege, Belgium) and Tree-Microbe Interactions (IAM) (Pr Nicolas Rouhier,, University of Lorraine, France). The general topic is about the metabolic engineering of algal hydrogen production. This project is … Continued
Two-year post-doc position in Chlamydomonas molecular biology and biochemistry available at CEA Cadarache, France
We are searching for a highly motivated post-doc to join our group to work on the energetics and regulation of the algal CO2 concentrating mechanism. Our research group, hosted by the Institute of Biosciences and Biotechnologies Aix-Marseille (CEA Cadarache in Provence, south France), offers a very dynamic and multi-disciplinary environment with a strong track-record in … Continued
2-year post-doc positions in Chlamydomonas Molecular Biology and/or Biophysics
We are searching for two highly motivated post-docs to join our group for two years, with possibility of renewal for additional two. We are opening the position in the context of the ERC advanced grant ” GrInSun”. The the job description is “Chlamydomonas reinhardtii molecular biologist/biophysicist” and will be carried out within a multidisciplinary team, … Continued
Postdoc position available in the Xenie Johnson lab, BiAM, Cadarache (Provence, France)
Comparative Physiology of Acclimation of Photosynthesis to the Environment in 3 Model Organisms: Chlamydomonas, Synechococcus and Arabidopsis In the team of Xenie Johnson, Photosynthesis and Environment Team, BiAM, Cadarache (Provence, France) Applications are invited for a postdoc position to compare and characterize light acclimation mechanisms in model plants, algae and cyanobacteria. Our group has a … Continued
PhD position available in Engel group at the Biozentrum in Basel, Switzerland
This PhD project is part of an HFSP-funded study of how thylakoid membranes adapt to changing light conditions. The main focus of this student will be to perform in situ cryo-electron tomography of Chlamydomonas algae cells exposed to different light intensities, and then to analyze how the thylakoid membranes are remodeled and repaired from damage. … Continued
Ph.D. position on algal-bacterial interactions
The Sasso lab at Leipzig University in Germany offers a Ph.D. position starting from 1 September 2022. Activities and responsibilities: While microalgae are key contributors to global carbon fixation, their molecular interactions with other microbes in various ecosystems are poorly understood. In the framework of the Collaborative Research Centre ChemBioSys (, we have discovered that the … Continued