Postdoc Position in Zhang lab at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
The Zhang laboratory at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center (St. Louis, Missouri) employs cutting-edge technologies in green algae and higher plants to study how photosynthetic organisms respond to environment. We are seeking a highly motivated and creative postdoc to investigate algal temperature response by using high-throughput and quantitative approaches. The position can start as … Continued
Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Metabolic Modeling and Analytical Biochemistry of a Lipid Over-accumulating Mutant of Chlamydomonas
The Umen, Allen and Evans laboratories at Donald Danforth Plant Science Center are jointly recruiting an enthusiastic Post-Doctoral scientist to work as part of a team on an NSF funded project to investigate how algal cells partition carbon into growth related biosynthetic pathways versus storage reserves such as starch and oil. Prior work by these … Continued
Job Posting in Microalgal Molecular Biology, Bielefeld University
PhD Position (36 months) in the field of Microalgal Molecular Biology within a DFG-funded research project.
Postdoctoral position: Systems and synthetic biology of photosynthetic organisms
Postdoctoral position: Systems and synthetic biology of photosynthetic organisms Jonikas Lab, Carnegie Institution for Science, Stanford, CA Photosynthetic organisms, our planet’s greatest chemists, form the foundations for human health by providing us with food, fuel, materials and drugs. Yet, our understanding of these organisms is in its infancy. Our laboratory aims to enable advances in sustainability by bringing systems and … Continued
Postdoctoral Position in Microalgae Research
This position is for a postdoctoral fellow with experience in Chlamydomonas. The project is part of a larger DOE collaboration focused on approaches to improve biomass and lipid production in microalgae. The work will take place at the NASA Ames Research Center in California and is centered on the molecular and biochemical aspects at the … Continued
Two-Year Post-Doc Position in Cell Biology
Post Doc Announcement in Petroutsos Lab
Research positions in microalgal cell biology
Temporary Full Time Technician, Scientist and Intern Research positions in microalgal cell biology: Full time (1-2 years) for a research technician, scientist and intern in a research project focusing on protein expression in microalgae algae at North Carolina Central University located at the North Carolina Research Campus in Kannapolis (20 minutes from Charlotte). Job Description: Primary … Continued