More mutants and new information on the confidence level of insertions are available at since 11/22/2016

We have now released ~16,000 additional mutants. At this time, ~54,000 mutants are available, containing ~80,000 insertions, covering 80% of the Chlamydomonas genome! In addition, we have categorized the insertion junctions that we mapped into three confidence levels and determined the probability of correct mapping for each level. The probability (95%, 73%, or 58%) is now included in the “feature” … Continued

Cold Spring Harbor Asia Conference on Cilia & Centrosomes

Cilia & Centrosomes Suzhou, China April 24-28, 2017 We are pleased to announce the 1st Cold Spring Harbor Asia conference on Cilia & Centrosomes which will be held in Suzhou, China. The conference will include eight oral sessions and one poster session. Many talks will be selected from the submitted abstracts on the basis of … Continued

Postdoc Position in Zhang lab at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center

The Zhang laboratory at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center (St. Louis, Missouri) employs cutting-edge technologies in green algae and higher plants to study how photosynthetic organisms respond to environment. We are seeking a highly motivated and creative postdoc to investigate algal temperature response by using high-throughput and quantitative approaches. The position can start as … Continued

Seminar on Cilia, Mucus, and Mucociliary Interactions

GORDON RESEARCH CONFERENCE (GRC) and associated GORDON RESEARCH SEMINAR (GRS) on Cilia, Mucus, and Mucociliary Interactions– SAVE THE DATE GRS: February 11-12, 2017, Galveston, TX, USA GRC: February 12-17, 2017, Galveston, TX, USA Dear all, We would like to invite you to attend the Gordon Research Conference (GRC) and the Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) on … Continued

Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Metabolic Modeling and Analytical Biochemistry of a Lipid Over-accumulating Mutant of Chlamydomonas

The Umen, Allen and Evans laboratories at Donald Danforth Plant Science Center are jointly recruiting an enthusiastic Post-Doctoral scientist to work as part of a team on an NSF funded project to investigate how algal cells partition carbon into growth related biosynthetic pathways versus storage reserves such as starch and oil. Prior work by these … Continued


We recently released ~17,000 additional mutants. Together with mutants released before, the total number of mutants available is now ~37,000, covering 73% of the Chlamydomonas genome! A manuscript describing the pilot collection is here(link is external). Most of the mutants available (specifically, mutants labeled LMJ.RY0402.******) are from a second generation library, not described in this … Continued

Cilia 2016, 4 – 7 October 2016 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Cilia 2016 4 – 7 October 2016  Amsterdam, The Netherlands   Since 2000, major discoveries in cilia biology have been achieved in a diversity of disciplines, including cellular and molecular biology, genetics, medicine and biophysics. This young field is evolving quickly and major breakthroughs occur on a regular basis. The EMBO Conference, Cilia 2016, will … Continued