Chlorella genome at JGI

A draft genome of Chlorella sp. NC64A is now available at the JGI browser. See for details of the project. There is also a web site dedicated to Chlorella and chlorella virus genomes:

Chlamydomonas genome paper, published in Science, October 12, 2007

The Chlamydomonas Genome Reveals the Evolution of Key Animal and Plant Functions, by Sabeeha Merchant, Simon Prochnik, et al. appears in the October 12 issue ofScience. Please see the press release at JGI for additional information. More press releases: National Science Foundation UCLA, including a very nice photo of Sabeeha Merchant Carnegie Institution CNRS

Volvox carteri genome at JGI

The Joint Genome Institute is pleased to announce the public release of the Volvox carteri genome. Our annotation includes the 1265 scaffolds and 138 Mbp of the 8.1x assembly and we predicted 15,544 genes, with the following average properties: Gene length 5269 nt Transcript length 1833 nt Protein length 558 aa Exon frequency 7.78 exons … Continued

Ostreococcus draft genome sequence

JGI has released draft versions of the Ostreococcus tauri and lucimarinus genomes: From the web site above: “Ostreococcus belongs to the Prasinophyceae, an early-diverging class within the green plant lineage, and is reported as a globally abundant, single-celled alga thriving in the upper (illuminated) water column of the oceans. The most striking feature … Continued

Release of version 3.0 of the C. reinhardtii genome sequence

Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to announce that JGI has completed automated annotation of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii v3.0. 15,256 gene models have been predicted and annotated; over 2,000 curated annotations have been transferred from the previous release. Genome Portal is now publicly available from Best regards, Igor Grigoriev Genome Annotation Group Leader US DOE Joint … Continued

Chlamydomonas flagellar proteome database

The flagellar proteome database described by Pazour et al, J. Cell Biol. 170, 103-113 (2005) is now on line at The website has a sortable list of all proteins identified in C. reinhardtii flagellar membrane, matrix and axonemal fractions by mass spectrometry. The list can be searched by Interpro descriptions or for transmembrane helices, … Continued

Molecular Markers for Map-Based Cloning

One of the goals of the current Chlamydomonas genome project is to saturate the genome with molecular markers, which can be used for map-based cloning or other genetic studies. Thanks to earlier work from the Mets, Dutcher and Silflow/Lefebvre laboratories, supplemented by our own, we compiled a list of 526 markers as recently published in … Continued

Version 2 Microarray

The version 2 microarray is ready for shipping. This array consists of about 10,000 oligonucleotides, each approximately 70 nucleotides long. Each of the oligonucleotide should represent a unique gene. The set of 10,000 oligonucleotides was printed twice on the same slide (so each slide has duplicates). The oligonucleotides were prepared by Integrated DNA Technologies and … Continued