Post-doctoral opportunities in the Merchant Lab
INTERESTED IN A GREAT POST-PH.D. EXPERIENCE WITH MENTORING AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT? The Merchant Lab in the University of California Berkeley’s Institute for Quantitative Biosciences seeks to hire a post-doctoral researcher. Mechanism of nutritional Cu signalling. The successful candidate will use reverse genetics, comparative genomics, metal sensors and reporters and biochemistry to understand how Chlamydomonas measures … Continued
Fully-funded postdoctoral position in chloroplast quality control and signaling
We are offering a fully-funded postdoctoral position with a flexible starting date. We are looking for creative, self-motivated candidates who possess • one or more first-author research manuscripts (preprints are accepted); • strong problem-solving, interpersonal and communication skills; • a genuine drive to create an inclusive and diverse workplace. Experience in one or more of … Continued
Chlamy2023 will be held June 4-9, 2023, in Princeton, NJ!
Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce that The 20th International Conference on the Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas will be held June 4-9, 2023, in Princeton, NJ! Please mark your calendars and help spread the word! We look forward to seeing you there! Co-Chairs: Martin Jonikas, HHMI & Princeton University James Umen, Donald … Continued
PhD student opportunity and permanent scientist position in the Yonghua Li-Beisson lab
PhD thesis at CEA Cadarache- call for applications 2022 Permanent scientist position-Microalgae 2022
The Chlamydomonas pan-genome needs you!
A Chlamydomonas Pan-Genome initiative has been launched under the auspices of the Joint Genome Initiative Community Science Project ((JGI-CSP). The PIs are O. Vallon, S Dutcher, F. Aylward, D. Baurain, C.Blaby-Haas, A. Burlacot, R. Bock, P. Cardol, T. Druet, M. Hanikenne, P. Lefebvre, S. Merchant, R. Ness, K. Niyogi, M. Schroda, C. Silflow and A. … Continued
Eleven post-doctoral positions in Paris
In the framework of a Cofund project funded by the EU and the French labex DYNAMO, the IBPC in Paris is offering 11 two-year post-doctoral positions on i) genetics, genomes and RNA, ii) membrane protein complexes and iii) membrane system dynamics. Two of these positions entail work on microalgae, incl. Chlamydomonas, using molecular biology or … Continued
Celebrating the life of Paul Levine
Robert Paul Levine died from natural causes at the age of 95 on January 25, 2022 at home in West Tisbury, Massachusetts. Levine was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1926 and grew up in Los Angeles, California. After serving in the U.S. Navy during WWII, Levine received his doctorate in Plant Science from the … Continued
Phytozome use and “missing” data inquiries
For Phytozome use and “missing” data inquiries, please contact
Postdoctoral Fellow Position in systems biology of photosynthesis
The newly opened Burlacot labat the Carnegie Institution for Science (Stanford) is looking for one postdoc to study the response of Chlamydomonas to light fluctuations. Our lab aims to understand the acclimation of photosynthesis to environmental fluctuations and the dynamics of the molecular mechanisms involved. The questions that our lab aims to address are: How … Continued
Two postdoc positions available in the Jonikas lab
From Martin Jonikas: Dear colleagues, I hope you are well. I’m recruiting 2 postdocs on grant-funded positions to study the pyrenoid, a mysterious phase-separated organelle that mediates a third of global CO2 fixation and that we aim to engineer into crops to dramatically increase yields. We have spearheaded the molecular characterization of the pyrenoid, defined its … Continued