Rational promoter engineering for robust transgene expression in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is an established model for microalgal synthetic biology as well as genetic engineering and has already been used to successfully produce various bioproducts. Nevertheless, limited nuclear transgene expression due the lack of strong expression elements and sparse comparative evaluation of these prevent further development of C. reinhardtii towards a biotechnological host for industrial-relevant … Continued
Passing of Bob Togasaki, long-time Chlamydomonas researcher
Long-time Chlamydomonas researcher and educator, Robert (Bob) K. Togasaki, who was born in San Francisco, California, on July 24, 1932, passed away in Bloomington, Indiana on November 19, 2019. He was a familiar presence at Chlamydomonas meetings over the years where he had many friends and collaborators. Bob’s research career began in the lab of Martin … Continued
PhD student opportunity in “microalgae lipid droplet”
PhD student opportunity on “microalgae lipid droplet” Funding: CEA (CEA offers a competitive stipend plus all healthy benefits included) Laboratory: The team of “Microalgae and Bioenergies”, CEA, CNRS, Aix-Marseille University, France Director of the PhD thesis: Yonghua Li-Beisson (yonghua.li@cea.fr) For her research work: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1064-1816 Team website: BIAM – Equipe Bioénergies et Microalgues (cea.fr) The project … Continued
Postdoc Position working on pyrenoid structure and CO2 fixation in Chlamydomonas
Please see: https://tinyurl.com/2e5xbt3r The Mackinder Lab is looking to recruit a highly motivated, creative and talented postdoc to perform a pivotal role on a BBSRC/NSF funded project in the Department of Biology, University of York. The project titled: “Engineering an algal pyrenoid into higher plants to enhance yields” is an international collaboration involving the University … Continued
Postdoc position available in the Spetea Lab at University of Gothenburg
The group of Cornelia Spetea offers one postdoc position in plant molecular biology, specializing in photosynthesis of microalgae. Project description The green unicellular alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has been long used as a model organism for studying photosynthesis and chloroplast biology, but its chloroplast ion transportome is largely unexplored. The purpose of this project is to gain knowledge about Chlamydomonas ion transport proteins that are … Continued
Phototrophic and efficient high cell density cultivation of C. reinhardtii
The green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii offers great potential as an innovative green-cell factory by combining fast and inexpensive phototrophic growth with advanced options for genetic engineering. The available cultivation media (e.g. TAP, HSM), however, were developed for lab scale settings and typically result in low cell densities of 2-3⋅107 cells/mL, which are insufficient for many … Continued
Jonikas CLiP library B-Series collection now available
The Chlamydomonas Center announces that the B-Series mutant collection from the Jonikas CLiP library is now available. https://www.chlamycollection.org/product/b-series-clip-collection/
Faculty member position at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
The Donald Danforth Plant Science Center is seeking a new Principal Investigator faculty position at the Assistant or Associate ranks. The Danforth Center believes that a diverse workforce strengthens and enriches our community, and ultimately yields the best science. We are building this world class team of scientists by specifically recruiting individuals with diverse backgrounds … Continued
PhD position for creating novel biocatalysts for H2 production in the Happe group
The work group Photobiotechnology at the Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, is looking for a motivated doctoral candidate (m/f/d) for a project focusing on protein engineering and metalloenzyme catalysis of algal proteins. The three-year PhD project will integrate biochemistry, chemistry and biotechnology and aims at designing and characterizing novel biological catalysts for the sustainable production of … Continued
PhD position for characterizing stress-induced signal transduction in Chlamydomonas in the Hemschemeier group
The work group Photobiotechnology at the Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, is looking for a motivated doctoral candidate (m/f/d) for a project on nitric oxide- (NO-) based signal transduction in Chlamydomonas. Our group studies the acclimation of this microalga to stress conditions, hypoxia in particular. The imminent climate change is likely to cause extreme weather conditions … Continued