Postdoc positions in algal molecular biology at the Institute of Plant Molecular Biology, Biology Centre CAS, Czech Republic

Iva Mozgová established independent research group in January 2019. Currently, 14 people of 7 nationalities are working on 3 research grants. We are interested in the function and evolution of the Polycomb Repressive Complexes (PRC) in plants. We focus on PRC2 function during plant growth and vegetative development. We combine methods of molecular biology and … Continued

Postdoc or PhD position in metabolism and regulation

The group of Yonghua Li-Beisson at CEA Cadarache, Aix-Marseille University offers two postdoc or one PhD/one Postdoc position starting spring or summer 2021. Research areas Microalgae are promising sources for production of renewable energies.  Our group focus on the study of algal photosynthesis, lipid and hydrocarbon metabolism and aims to dissect major pathways and their … Continued

Postdoc position at the Umeå Plant Science Centre, Umeå University

Cyanobacteria and algae have a potential commercial value as microbial producers of fuel or products with higher value. However, in nature their blooms also are threatening health and industrial benefits. To learn more about the viability of large algal/bacterial cultures Christiane Funk´s group at Umeå University plans to study the protease family of metacaspases and … Continued

Now Available from the Chlamydomonas Resource Center: the Chlamydomonas Fosmid Collection

You may have noticed when browsing at the Chlamydomonas site on Phytozome (!info?alias=Org_Creinhardtii) that almost every part of the genome is covered by multiple fosmid clones, defined by the end sequences (“VTP sequences”). To see these alignments check the “BLASTN-aligned BAC and fosmid end reads” under “alignments” on the left side of the browser. The … Continued

Efficient CRISPR-based method for targeted disruption of genes in Chlamydomonas

In May 2020, the Witman and Oda labs published a paper titled “TIM, a targeted insertional mutagenesis method utilizing CRISPR/Cas9 in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii” (PMC7219734).  The paper describes an easy, rapid, and cost-effective method for efficiently targeting specific genes for disruption in Chlamydomonas.  The authors tested TIM on six different genes in two different cell-walled strains … Continued

Postdoc position available in the George Witman lab at UMass Medical School

An NIH-funded postdoctoral position currently is available in the Witman lab.  We study cilia and flagella (terms here used interchangeably) to understand how they are assembled and function and why defects in specific ciliary proteins cause human diseases.  Most of our research utilizes Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, which has major advantages for studies of flagella; we also … Continued

New opportunity for screening the CLiP collection

In response to a number of requests from users, the Chlamydomonas Resource Center is offering users a chance to screen a large collection of the most valuable mutants in the Jonikas CLiP library for traits of interest. The B-Series CLiP Collection (called the B-series for “Best”), consists of more than 13,000 mutants selected as having … Continued