Chlamydomonas 2020 website open! – now cancelled due to COVID-19
The 19th International Conference on the Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas, aka “Chlamy 2020”, will be held from May 24-29, 2020 on the Île des Embiez, in the South of France. The website is now open for abstract deposition and (pre)registration, visit it at We look forward to seeing all of you at … Continued
Postdoc position available in the Jonikas lab at Princeton University
Photosynthetic organisms, our planet’s greatest chemists, form the foundations for human health by providing us with food, fuel, materials and drugs. Yet, our understanding of these organisms is in its infancy. The Jonikas laboratory aims to enable advances in sustainability by developing transformative tools and resources for photosynthetic organisms. We currently seek an outstanding postdoctoral … Continued
Postdoc position available in the Onishi lab at Duke University The Onishi lab ( in the Duke University Department of Biology (Durham, North Carolina, USA) is looking for a Postdoctoral Researcher to join our team to work on a project to investigate the fundamental core mechanisms of eukaryotic cytokinesis and their evolution. Our current primary model for this work is the green alga Chlamydomonas … Continued
Postdoctoral positions in the Umen and Zhang laboratories at Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
We seek applicants for two postdoctoral positions to work on a collaborative DOE funded project. Applicants may apply to either or both positions through the indicated links. Umen Laboratory The Umen laboratory ( is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral scientist to work as part of a small team on a three-year DOE funded project investigating … Continued
Communication on the Intronserter platform is now published in Algal Research
The article is free to download from this link:
Release of v5.6 annotation
The last version of the annotation is now publicly available on The url to reach a gene directly can be obtained by adding the locus name after (e.g., The gene models are unchanged compared to v5.5, but the annotation has been updated, including changes in gene symbols and aliases, a new “comments” field, … Continued
PhD, postdoc & bioinformatician positions in plant epigenetics are available for in the group of Iva Mozgová, Biology Centre CAS, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
Start date: August 2019 or based on agreement Application deadline: March 31st We are a newly established research group interested in the function and evolution of the Polycomb Repressive Complexes (PRC) in the green lineage. The successful candidates will join projects that combine methodical approaches of epigenetics, molecular biology, genetics and physiology. We are in … Continued
The CRC is pleased to announce the availability of the Modular Cloning Kit (“MoClo Kit”) from Crozet et al. (2018)
Crozet et al. (2018) Birth of a Photosynthetic Chassis: A MoClo Toolkit Enabling Synthetic Biology in the Microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. ACS Synthetic Biology 7:2074–2086 From the paper: “… we have developed a Modular Cloning toolkit for the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. It is based on Golden Gate cloning with standard syntax, and comprises 119 openly … Continued
Available PhD student position on Microalgal Carbon and Lipid Metabolism
Topic: Manipulating redox balance to increase carbon reserve formation in microalgae Host lab: The lab is located at Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology of Aix Marseille (, which is part of The French Atomic and Alternative Energy Commission (CEA), and part of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), and University of Aix Marseille … Continued
Scientific Meeting —Volvox 2019 and Travel Fellowship Opportunities
Dates: July 26-29, 2019, University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus The Fifth International Volvox Conference in Tokyo, Japan, will bring together international scientists working with Volvox and its relatives. We cordially invite experimentalists and theorists interested in these fascinating organisms. The volvocine algae grow in various freshwater environments worldwide and have important … Continued