BAC library debugged

From Katia Wostrikoff and Olivier Vallon, IBPC, Paris: While trying to complement mutations in specific regions of the genome using the BAC library from the Silflow/Lefebvre labs, we have come to realize that for many plates, the sequences indicated by the JGI browser ( were not correct. We have systematically sequenced BAC ends from all … Continued

Paris photosynthesis mutants collection

From Olivier Vallon: The collection of photosynthesis mutants of the Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique in Paris is made available to the Chlamydomonas research community. This collection includes about 500 strains generated in our laboratory, mostly single mutants but also double or triple mutants, all with rigorously verified phenotypes. The stocks are stored in liquid nitrogen … Continued

Version 5 genome assembly

Dear Chlamy Community, The JGI is pleased to announce the release of Chlamydomonas assembly version 5. This assembly represents a substantial improvement over version 4 and is the result of an effort led by Jane Grimwood and Jeremy Schmutz at HudsonAlpha with help from several members of the Community. Highlights of this assembly include: contig … Continued

Chloroplast genome site

Back by popular demand: The chloroplast genome site created at Cornell University has been restored. We are aware that some features aren’t working, notably the utility to retrieve sequences. We’ll let you know when those have been fixed.

Welcome to the Chlamydomonas Connection!

If you’re a regular visitor to, you’ll see that we have a new look. This change coincides with the debut of the Chlamydomonas Resource Center web site, featuring on-line “shopping cart” ordering with credit card payments, and extensive revisions to the descriptions of individual strains. Another new feature is ChlamyBiblio, a comprehensive database for … Continued

International Volvox meeting, from Stephen Miller

Please join us for the 1st International Volvox Conference (focused on the green alga Volvox and its close relatives) to be held December 1-4, 2011 at the Biosphere 2, in Arizona, USA ( This is the first of what we hope to be a long series of Volvox meetings to be held every other year, … Continued

Workshop Announcement

from Maria Mittag Chlamydomonas and Phaeodactylum Workshop within the frame of DFG Research Group “Specific Light Driven Reactions in Unicellular Model Algae” Jena (Germany), March 27-28, 2011 We invite PhD students and postdocs to apply for participation in a workshop on selected methods established for C. reinhardtii and P. tricornutum (program, see under Workshop March … Continued

New annotation tool and EST mapping

from Sabeeha Merchant and Matteo Pellegrini We have developed a functional annotation tool for Chlamydomonas, which is a resource to visualize pathway maps, identify enriched biological terms or convert Chlamydomonas reinhardtii gene identifiers. Please visit to use this tool. We have also mapped the ~ 5 million-plus EST reads from JGI-UCLA and Genoscope (see … Continued