

From Thomas Baier, Olaf Kruse lab, Bielefeld University, August 2021

Host strain: DH5α
Selection in E. coli: spectinomycin (50 μg/ ml)
Position L0 (Patron et al): A1_B2
Brick name: PAßSAP(i) (Pro + 5’UTR)
Brick type: promoter + 5’UTR
Brick function: Synthetic HSP70A/ßtub promoter, which drives 4xstronger expression compared to pAR when transgene is expressed to the cytosol
Source of Brick: Einhaus et al. 2021
Acceptor plasmid: pICH41295
Designer / Builder: A. Einhaus and T. Baier


The entire collection of MoClo Toolkit plasmids, distributed as frozen glycerol stocks in a 96-well format, can also be ordered for $400 for academic/non-profit users and $800 for commercial/industry here: https://www.chlamycollection.org/product/moclo-toolkit/