From Laurens Mets, 1981

Phenotype: requires acetate

Received as Spreitzer and Mets III-164 a6-3- (HAA). Induced by 5-fluorodeoxyuridine plus ethyl methanesulfonate. This is a nuclear mutation but has not been mapped.

Spreitzer RJ, Mets L (1981) Photosynthesis-deficient Mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardii with Associated Light-sensitive Phenotypes. Plant Physiol 67:565-569

From Laurens Mets, 1981

Phenotype: requires acetate

Received as Spreitzer and Mets III-167 a6-4B+ (IAB). Induced by 5-fluorodeoxyuridine plus ethyl methanesulfonate. This is a nuclear mutation but has not been mapped.

Spreitzer RJ, Mets L (1981) Photosynthesis-deficient Mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardii with Associated Light-sensitive Phenotypes. Plant Physiol 67:565-569

From Laurens Mets, 1981

Phenotype: requires acetate

Received as Spreitzer and Mets III-169 a6-4C+ (ICA)

Spreitzer RJ, Mets L (1981) Photosynthesis-deficient Mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardii with Associated Light-sensitive Phenotypes. Plant Physiol 67:565-569

From Laurens Mets, 1981

Phenotype: requires acetate

Received as Spreitzer and Mets III-170 a6-4C- (ICA)

Spreitzer RJ, Mets L (1981) Photosynthesis-deficient Mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardii with Associated Light-sensitive Phenotypes. Plant Physiol 67:565-569

From Laurens Mets, 1981

Phenotype: requires acetate

Received as Spreitzer and Mets III-174 a2-6A-. Induced by 5-fluorodeoxyuridine plus ethyl methanesulfonate. This is a nuclear mutation but has not been mapped.

Spreitzer RJ, Mets L (1981) Photosynthesis-deficient Mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardii with Associated Light-sensitive Phenotypes. Plant Physiol 67:565-569

From Laurens Mets, 1981

Phenotype: altered CO2 assimilation

Received as Spreitzer and Mets III-180 a12-1C-

This is Spreitzer and Mets mutant 12-1C. It is deficient in carbonic anhydrase and requires high CO2 levels for growth on minimal medium. Funke et al. showed that this is a nonsense mutation in the CAH3 gene.

Spreitzer RJ, Mets L (1981) Photosynthesis-deficient Mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardii with Associated Light-sensitive Phenotypes. Plant Physiol 67:565-569

Spalding MH, Spreitzer RJ, Ogren WL (1983) Carbonic Anhydrase-Deficient Mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardii Requires Elevated Carbon Dioxide Concentration for Photoautotrophic Growth. Plant Physiol 73:268-272

Sültemeyer D, Amoroso G, Fock H (1995) Induction of intracellular carbonic anhydrases during the adaptation to low inorganic carbon concentrations in wild-type and ca-1 mutant cells of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Planta 196:217-224

Funke RP, Kovar JL, Weeks DP (1997) Intracellular carbonic anhydrase is essential to photosynthesis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii at atmospheric levels of CO2. Demonstration via genomic complementation of the high-CO2-requiring mutant ca-1. Plant Physiol 114:237-244

  • Locus:
  • CAH3
  • Chromosome:
  • 9

From Laurens Mets, 1981

Phenotype: requires acetate

Received as Spreitzer and Mets III-181 a12-9C+

Spreitzer RJ, Mets L (1981) Photosynthesis-deficient Mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardii with Associated Light-sensitive Phenotypes. Plant Physiol 67:565-569

From Laurens Mets, 1981

Phenotype: requires acetate

Received as Spreitzer and Mets III-181 a12-9C-

Spreitzer RJ, Mets L (1981) Photosynthesis-deficient Mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardii with Associated Light-sensitive Phenotypes. Plant Physiol 67:565-569

From Laurens Mets, 1981

Phenotype: requires acetate

This mutant was isolated by Spreitzer and Mets using 5-fluorodeoxyuridine plus ethyl methanesulfonate mutagenesis, and was originally described as isolate 12-2B, unable to fix CO2. Subsequent work by Salvucci and Ogren showed it was deficient in phosphoribulokinase activity, and Roesler et al. demonstrated that the mutation is a C to T transition that changes the conserved arginine at position 64 to cysteine in the structural gene for phosphoribulokinase. Avilan et al. (1997) made other site-directed changes at this position and assayed enzyme activity after expression of the mutated gene in E. coli.

Spreitzer and Mets reported relatively close linkage of the ac214 (12-2B) mutant to its centromere (ac/y1 14:14:3). Crosses at the Chlamydomonas Genetics Center assigned this locus to linkage group XII/XIII. Dutcher et al. confirmed its linkage to NIC15.

CC-1228 is the same mutation in mt-. CC-2259 is another isolate of the same strain, acquired more recently from Spreitzer.

Spreitzer RJ, Mets L (1981) Photosynthesis-deficient Mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardii with Associated Light-sensitive Phenotypes. Plant Physiol 67:565-569

Salvucci ME, Ogren WL (1985) A Chlamydomonas reinhardii mutant with catalytically and structurally altered ribulose-5-phosphate kinase. Planta 165:340-347

Dutcher SK, Power J, Galloway RE, Porter ME (1991) Reappraisal of the genetic map of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Hered 82:295-301

Roesler KR, Marcotte BL, Ogren WL (1992) Functional Importance of Arginine 64 in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Phosphoribulokinase. Plant Physiol 98:1285-1289

Avilan L, Gontero B, Lebreton S, Ricard J (1997) Information transfer in multienzyme complexes--2. The role of Arg64 of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii phosphoribulokinase in the information transfer between glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and phosphoribulokinase. Eur J Biochem 250:296-302

  • Locus:
  • AC214 [PRK1]
  • Chromosome:
  • 12

From Laurens Mets, 1981

Phenotype: requires acetate

Please see CC-1227 for more information on the ac214 mutation.

  • Locus:
  • AC214 [PRK1]
  • Chromosome:
  • 12

From Laurens Mets, 1981

Phenotype: requires acetate

Received as Spreitzer and Mets III-199 a11-6F-

Spreitzer RJ, Mets L (1981) Photosynthesis-deficient Mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardii with Associated Light-sensitive Phenotypes. Plant Physiol 67:565-569

From Laurens Mets, 1981

Phenotype: somewhat chlorophyll deficient

Received as Spreitzer and Mets III-200 a11-7A+. The original characterization was pigment deficient, brown in dark; this isolate yellowish green when received.

Spreitzer RJ, Mets L (1981) Photosynthesis-deficient Mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardii with Associated Light-sensitive Phenotypes. Plant Physiol 67:565-569

From Laurens Mets, 1981

Phenotype: somewhat chlorophyll deficient

Received as Spreitzer and Mets III-201 a11-7A-.

This strain was originally described as pigment deficient, supposed to be brown in the dark, but was yellow-green when received.

Spreitzer RJ, Mets L (1981) Photosynthesis-deficient Mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardii with Associated Light-sensitive Phenotypes. Plant Physiol 67:565-569

From Laurens Mets, 1981

Phenotype: requires acetate

Received as Spreitzer and Mets III-202 a11-7B+

Spreitzer RJ, Mets L (1981) Photosynthesis-deficient Mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardii with Associated Light-sensitive Phenotypes. Plant Physiol 67:565-569

From Laurens Mets, 1981

Phenotype: requires acetate

Received as Spreitzer and Mets III-203 a11-7B-

Spreitzer RJ, Mets L (1981) Photosynthesis-deficient Mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardii with Associated Light-sensitive Phenotypes. Plant Physiol 67:565-569

From Laurens Mets, 1981

Phenotype: requires acetate

Received as Spreitzer and Mets III-206 a11-8B+

Spreitzer RJ, Mets L (1981) Photosynthesis-deficient Mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardii with Associated Light-sensitive Phenotypes. Plant Physiol 67:565-569

From Laurens Mets, 1981

Phenotype: requires acetate

Received as Spreitzer and Mets III-208 a11-1C+

This mutation probably maps to linkage group III, from crosses made at the Chlamydomonas Genetics Center at Duke: CC-1236 x CC-530 ac17 36:2:0 (sum of two crosses).

Spreitzer RJ, Mets L (1981) Photosynthesis-deficient Mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardii with Associated Light-sensitive Phenotypes. Plant Physiol 67:565-569

From Laurens Mets, Case Western Reserve University, 1981

Phenotype: requires acetate

Received as Spreitzer and Mets III-211 a11-1E-

Spreitzer RJ, Mets L (1981) Photosynthesis-deficient Mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardii with Associated Light-sensitive Phenotypes. Plant Physiol 67:565-569

From Laurens Mets, 1981

Received as Spreitzer and Mets III-213 a11-2B-

Originally described as pigment deficient, yellow, very light sensitive. However, this isolate is green and grows in light.

Spreitzer RJ, Mets L (1981) Photosynthesis-deficient Mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardii with Associated Light-sensitive Phenotypes. Plant Physiol 67:565-569

Chlamydomonas Genetics Center, Duke University, 1981

Phenotype: requires acetate

From a cross of CC-643 pf3 nic15 mt+ x CC-524 ac13 mt-, a cross made in the course of mapping this locus. CC-524 was subsequently discarded.

The ac13 mutation was isolated in Levine’s laboratory but despite many crosses, no linkage was found there to any other marker, and the nature of its acetate requirement was not characterized. Crosses at the Chlamydomonas Genetics Center demonstrated linkage to ac215 and spr1 on linkage group XVIII (which had not yet been identified at the time of Levine’s work).

  • Locus:
  • AC13
  • Chromosome:
  • 16

Chlamydomonas Genetics Center, Duke University, 1981

Phenotype: requires acetate

From a cross of CC-643 pf3 nic15 mt+ x CC-524 ac13 mt-, a cross made in the course of mapping this locus. Please see CC-1247 for more information on this mutant.

  • Locus:
  • AC13
  • Chromosome:
  • 16

Chlamydomonas Genetics Center, Duke University, 1981

Phenotype: requires acetate, cold sensitive

The original ac18 mutant was easy to score, but later isolates gave considerable growth on minimal medium. New isolates were made at Harvard in 1962 by subcloning, and at Duke in 1981 by outcrossing.

This strain is a product of the cross CC-597 ac18 (no longer in the collection) x CC-801 spr1, 1981

This mutant is difficult to score, but is included in the collection because there are relatively few other markers on linkage group V. Best results are obtained at cold temperature (15 degrees), where ac18 grows more slowly than wild type.

  • Locus:
  • AC18
  • Chromosome:
  • 5

Chlamydomonas Genetics Center, Duke University, 1981

Phenotype: requires acetate

From a cross of CC-549 ac141 mt+ x CC-919 wild type (NIT+) mt-

This strain has the wild type alleles at both the NIT1 and NIT2 loci, and can therefore grow on nitrate.

For more information on the ac141 mutation, see CC-549.

  • Locus:
  • AC141
  • Chromosome:
  • 3

Chlamydomonas Genetics Center, Duke University, 1981

Phenotype: requires acetate

Derived from CC-596 ac28 mt+ by a series of two crosses to CC-919 wild type (NIT+) mt-. This strain can grow on nitrate.

  • Locus:
  • AC28
  • Chromosome:
  • 3

Chlamydomonas Genetics Center, Duke University, 1981

Phenotype: impaired motility

From a cross CC-1090 fsr1 mt+ x CC-18 pf9 mt-. This isolate was selected for scorable pf phenotype. It is sensitive to fusidic acid.

This pf9 allele (= pf9-1) was isolated in Levine’s laboratory by UV irradiation of thi8 mt+. The mutant was originally described as sluggish. Subsequent analysis has shown that pf9 mutants swim with nearly normal flagellar beat frequency but decreased velocity owing to reduction in the amplitude of the flagellar waveform

Porter et al. showed that the pf9 mutants have inner arm dynein defects, and Myster et al. established that the mutations are in the 1-alpha dynein heavy chain DHC1.

McVittie A (1972) Flagellum mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardii. J Gen Microbiol 71:525-540

Porter ME, Power J, Dutcher SK (1992) Extragenic suppressors of paralyzed flagellar mutations in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii identify loci that alter the inner dynein arms. J Cell Biol 118:1163-1176

Myster SH, Knott JA, Wysocki KM, O'Toole E, Porter ME (1999) Domains in the 1alpha dynein heavy chain required for inner arm assembly and flagellar motility in Chlamydomonas. J Cell Biol 146:801-818

  • Locus:
  • PF9 [DHC1]
  • Chromosome:
  • 12

Chlamydomonas Genetics Center, Duke University, 1981

Phenotype: impaired motility

From a cross CC-1090 fsr1 mt+ x CC-18 pf9 mt-. This isolate was selected for scorable pf phenotype. It is sensitive to fusidic acid.

For more information on the PF9 locus, please see CC-1254.

  • Locus:
  • PF9 [DHC1]
  • Chromosome:
  • 12

Chlamydomonas Genetics Center, Duke University, 1981

From a cross of CC-1107 ac55 nic11 pf20 mt+ x CC-1110 act2 msr1 pyr1 sr1 mt- [these strains are no longer in the collection]

This strain couples the four original markers defining linkage group IV. CC-1263 is the same combination in mt+.

For more information on these mutations please see:
CC-565 ac55
CC-13 nic11
CC-1038 pf20
CC-28 pyr1

  • Locus:
  • AC55, NIC11, PF20, PYR1
  • Chromosome:
  • 4

Chlamydomonas Genetics Center, Duke University, 1981

Phenotype: somewhat chlorophyll deficient; nicotinamide; inhibitor resistant (pyrithiamine); impaired motility

From a cross of CC-1107 ac55 nic11 pf20 mt+ x CC-1110 act2 msr1 pyr1 sr1 mt-

This strain couples the four original markers defining linkage group IV. CC-1262 is the same combination in mt+.

For more information on these mutations please see:
CC-565 ac55
CC-13 nic11
CC-1038 pf20
CC-28 pyr1

  • Locus:
  • AC55, NIC11, PF20, PYR1
  • Chromosome:
  • 4

Chlamydomonas Genetics Center, Duke University, 1981

Phenotype: somewhat chlorophyll deficient; inhibitor resistant (pyrithiamine); impaired motility

From a cross of CC-1107 ac55 nic11 pf20 mt+ x CC-1110 act2 msr1 pyr1 sr1 mt-

From the same cross as CC-1262 and CC-1263, but has the wild type allele at the pf20 locus.

  • Locus:
  • AC55, PF20,PYR1
  • Chromosome:
  • 4

From American Type Culture Collection, 1981

Phenotype: inhibitor resistant (colchicine)

This is ATCC strain 30552 = colchicine resistant strain colr-1

This strain was designated colchr-1 by Flavin and Slaughter. The designation was later shortened to col-1. No genetics studies were done on the Flavin and Slaughter isolates, and their relationship to other colchicine-resistant mutants has not been determined.

Flavin M, Slaughter C (1974) Microtubule assembly and function in Chlamydomonas: inhibition of growth and flagellar regeneration by antitubulins and other drugs and isolation of resistant mutants. J Bacteriol 118:59-69