From Ruth Galloway, Goodenough lab, Washington University, February 1983

Phenotype: herbicide resistant (DCMU)

This is an easily scored mutation in the psbA gene, conferring resistance to DCMU. The mutation changes Val to Ile at amino acid 219 in the D1 protein. CC-1403 is the same mutation in mt+.

Galloway RE, Mets L (1982) Non-Mendelian Inheritance of 3-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethylurea-Resistant Thylakoid Membrane Properties in Chlamydomonas. Plant Physiol 70:1673-1677

Erickson JM, Rahire M, Rochaix JD, Mets L (1985) Herbicide resistance and cross-resistance: changes at three distinct sites in the herbicide-binding protein. Science 228:204-207

  • Locus:
  • psbA
  • Chromosome:
  • chloroplast

From Ruth Galloway, Goodenough lab, Washington University, February 1983

Phenotype: herbicide resistant (DCMU)

This is an easily scored mutation in the psbA gene, conferring resistance to DCMU. The mutation changes Val to Ile at amino acid 219 in the D1 protein. CC-1402 is the same mutation in mt-.

Galloway RE, Mets L (1982) Non-Mendelian Inheritance of 3-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethylurea-Resistant Thylakoid Membrane Properties in Chlamydomonas. Plant Physiol 70:1673-1677

Erickson JM, Rahire M, Rochaix JD, Mets L (1985) Herbicide resistance and cross-resistance: changes at three distinct sites in the herbicide-binding protein. Science 228:204-207

  • Locus:
  • psbA
  • Chromosome:
  • chloroplast

From Ruth Galloway, Goodenough lab, Washington University, February 1983

Phenotype: herbicide resistant (DCMU)

This is an unmapped nuclear mutation conferring resistance to DCMU.

Galloway RE, Mets L (1982) Non-Mendelian Inheritance of 3-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethylurea-Resistant Thylakoid Membrane Properties in Chlamydomonas. Plant Physiol 70:1673-1677

From Ruth Galloway, Goodenough lab, Washington University, February 1983

Phenotype: herbicide resistant (DCMU)

This is an unmapped nuclear mutation conferring resistance to DCMU.

Galloway RE, Mets L (1982) Non-Mendelian Inheritance of 3-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethylurea-Resistant Thylakoid Membrane Properties in Chlamydomonas. Plant Physiol 70:1673-1677

From Ruth Galloway, Goodenough lab, Washington University, February 1983

Phenotype: herbicide resistant (DCMU)

This is an unmapped nuclear mutation conferring resistance to DCMU.

Galloway RE, Mets L (1982) Non-Mendelian Inheritance of 3-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethylurea-Resistant Thylakoid Membrane Properties in Chlamydomonas. Plant Physiol 70:1673-1677

From Sammlung von Algenkulturen (SAG), December 1983

This strain was listed by SAG as “Red tide, Florida, Provasoli”, and was obtained by the Chlamydomonas Genetics Center for comparison with other presumptive field isolates. Ferris (1989) found however that the Gulliver transposon pattern is like that of the laboratory strains of C. reinhardtii. Its chloroplast DNA is indistinguishable from that of CC-125 wild type 137c.

Ferris PJ (1989) Characterization of a Chlamydomonas transposon, Gulliver, resembling those in higher plants. Genetics 122:363-377

Pröschold T, Harris EH, Coleman AW (2005) Portrait of a species: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics 170:1601-1610

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983

This is the basic wild type strain of C. eugametos, originally from the Indiana (now UTEX) collection. It is the same as UTEX 9 and CCAP 11/5, originally from Moewus

On Ettl’s authority UTEX has renamed this strain as C. moewusii. However, popular laboratory usage distinguishes ‘C. eugametos’ UTEX 9 and 10 and their derivatives, including mutant strains isolated by Gowans, from the C. moewusii laboratory strains UTEX 96 and 97 and their derivatives, which trace their origin to Provasoli. We have kept ‘C. eugametos”” in the designation of the strains in the Chlamydomonas Resource Center collection, with the acknowledgment that on strictly taxonomic criteria they are more properly ‘C. moewusii’.

Gowans CS (1960) Some genetic investigations on Chlamydomonas eugametos. Z Vererbungsl 91:63-73

McBride JC, Gowans CS (1967) Pyrithiamine resistance in Chlamydomonas eugametos. Genetics 56:405-412

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983

This is the basic wild type strain of C. eugametos, originally from the Indiana (now UTEX) collection. It is the same as UTEX 10 and CCAP 11/5, originally from Moewus.

On Ettl’s authority UTEX has renamed this strain as C. moewusii. However, popular laboratory usage distinguishes ‘C. eugametos’ UTEX 9 and 10 and their derivatives, including mutant strains isolated by Gowans, from the C. moewusii laboratory strains UTEX 96 and 97 and their derivatives, which trace their origin to Provasoli.. We have kept “C. eugametos”‘ in the designation of the strains in the Chlamydomonas Resource Center collection, with the acknowledgment that on strictly taxonomic criteria they are more properly “C. moewusii”.

Gowans CS (1960) Some genetic investigations on Chlamydomonas eugametos. Z Vererbungsl 91:63-73

McBride JC, Gowans CS (1967) Pyrithiamine resistance in Chlamydomonas eugametos. Genetics 56:405-412

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain J40-4

Gowans described this as “Judy McBride isolate, high mating efficiency.”

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain J40-1

Gowans described this as “Judy McBride isolate, high mating efficiency.”

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain A-13

Cells of the top mutant were described as having periodic unilateral paralysis, causing them to spin like tops, without forward motility.

Gowans CS (1960) Some genetic investigations on Chlamydomonas eugametos. Z Vererbungsl 91:63-73

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain 6-4-60

Cells of the top mutant were described as having periodic unilateral paralysis, causing them to spin like tops, without forward motility.

Gowans CS (1960) Some genetic investigations on Chlamydomonas eugametos. Z Vererbungsl 91:63-73

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain GBC

This is a mutant with paralyzed flagella. So far as we know, it has not been characterized further.

Gowans CS (1960) Some genetic investigations on Chlamydomonas eugametos. Z Vererbungsl 91:63-73

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain N 535-2

This mutant is resistant to > 0.8 mg/ml 3-acetyl pyridine, and was selected by growth of C. eugametos cells on gradient plates of that compound.

Nakamura K and Gowans CS (1964) Nicotinic acid excreting mutants in Chlamydomonas. Nature 202:826-827

Nakamura K and Gowans CS (1965) Genetic Control of Nicotinic Acid Metabolism in Chlamydomonas Eugametos. Genetics 51:931-945

Uhlik DS and Gowans CS (1974) Synthesis of nicotinic acid in Chlamydomonas eugametos. Int J Biochem 5:79-84

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain N 1245-1

The apy2 mutant is resistant to > 0.8 mg/ml 3-acetyl pyridine, and was selected by growth of C. eugametos cells on gradient plates of that compound.

Nakamura K, Gowans CS (1965) Genetic Control of Nicotinic Acid Metabolism in Chlamydomonas Eugametos. Genetics 51:931-945

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain Mo 19 (K67)

The PSA mutants were selected for resistance to 3-pyridine sulfonic acid, by growing them on gradient plates.

Nakamura K, Gowans CS (1964) Nicotinic acid excreting mutants in Chlamydomonas. Nature (Lond.) 202:826-827

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain J 67-2

This strain is resistant to more than 2 micrograms/ml pyrithiamine.

McBride JC, Gowans CS (1967) Pyrithiamine resistance in Chlamydomonas eugametos. Genetics 56:405-412

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain Mo 35

This mutant is resistant to 3-methylphenylalanine (also called 2-amino-3-phenylbutanoic acid or APBA).

McBride JC, Gowans CS (1967) Pyrithiamine resistance in Chlamydomonas eugametos. Genetics 56:405-412

McBride AC, Gowans CS (1969) The induction of gene mutation and chromosome aberration in Chlamydomonas eugametos by a phenylalanine analog. Genet Res 14:121-126

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain J 27-1

This mutant is resistant to 3-methylphenylalanine (also called 2-amino-3-phenylbutanoic acid or APBA).

McBride JC, Gowans CS (1967) Pyrithiamine resistance in Chlamydomonas eugametos. Genetics 56:405-412

McBride AC, Gowans CS (1969) The induction of gene mutation and chromosome aberration in Chlamydomonas eugametos by a phenylalanine analog. Genet Res 14:121-126

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain J 123-1

This carries both the mpa-1 mutation conferring resistance to 3-methylphenylalanine, and the pt-1 mutation conferring resistance to pyrithiamine.

McBride JC, Gowans CS (1967) Pyrithiamine resistance in Chlamydomonas eugametos. Genetics 56:405-412

McBride AC, Gowans CS (1969) The induction of gene mutation and chromosome aberration in Chlamydomonas eugametos by a phenylalanine analog. Genet Res 14:121-126

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain CJ 15-1

The mpa-2 mutation confers resistance to 3-methylphenylalanine, but at a lower level than mpa-1 or mpa-3.

McBride JC, Gowans CS (1967) Pyrithiamine resistance in Chlamydomonas eugametos. Genetics 56:405-412

McBride AC, Gowans CS (1969) The induction of gene mutation and chromosome aberration in Chlamydomonas eugametos by a phenylalanine analog. Genet Res 14:121-126

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain CJ 47-2

This carries both the mpa-1 and mpa-2 mutations conferring resistance to 3-methylphenylalanine (please see CC-1436 and CC-1442 for more information), and the pt-1 mutation conferring resistance to pyrithiamine.

McBride JC, Gowans CS (1967) Pyrithiamine resistance in Chlamydomonas eugametos. Genetics 56:405-412

McBride AC, Gowans CS (1969) The induction of gene mutation and chromosome aberration in Chlamydomonas eugametos by a phenylalanine analog. Genet Res 14:121-126

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain Mo 37

This strain is resistant to 2-amino-3-phenylbutanoic acid (APBA), also called 3-methylphenylalanine.

McBride AC, Gowans CS ( 1969) The induction of gene mutation and chromosome aberration in Chlamydomonas eugametos by a phenylalanine analog. Genet Res 14:121-126

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain Mo 44

This strain is resistant to 2-amino-3-phenylbutanoic acid (APBA), also called 3-methylphenylalanine.

McBride AC, Gowans CS (1969) The induction of gene mutation and chromosome aberration in Chlamydomonas eugametos by a phenylalanine analog. Genet Res 14:121-126

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain Mo 45

This strain is resistant to 2-amino-3-phenylbutanoic acid (APBA), also called 3-methylphenylalanine.

McBride AC, Gowans CS (1969) The induction of gene mutation and chromosome aberration in Chlamydomonas eugametos by a phenylalanine analog. Genet Res 14:121-126

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain Mo 46

The original culture was labeled “APBAs? (r-4).” Gowans described it in his submission notes as resistant to 2-amino-3-phenylbutanoic acid.

McBride AC, Gowans CS (1969) The induction of gene mutation and chromosome aberration in Chlamydomonas eugametos by a phenylalanine analog. Genet Res 14, 121-126

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain Mo 47

This strain is resistant to 2-amino-3-phenylbutanoic acid (APBA), also called 3-methylphenylalanine.

McBride AC, Gowans CS (1969) The induction of gene mutation and chromosome aberration in Chlamydomonas eugametos by a phenylalanine analog. Genet Res 14:121-126

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain Mo 49

This strain is resistant to 2-amino-3-phenylbutanoic acid (APBA), also called 3-methylphenylalanine.

McBride AC, Gowans CS (1969) The induction of gene mutation and chromosome aberration in Chlamydomonas eugametos by a phenylalanine analog. Genet Res 14:121-126

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain Mo 38

This mutant is resistant to methionine sulfoximine, and was selected by growth on gradient plates.

McBride AC, Gowans CS (1970) Comparative sensitivity of three species of Chlamydomonas to analogs of metabolites. J Phycol 6:54-56

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain Mo 39

This mutant is resistant to methionine sulfoximine, and was selected by growth on gradient plates.

McBride AC, Gowans CS (1970) Comparative sensitivity of three species of Chlamydomonas to analogs of metabolites. J Phycol 6:54-56