From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, as L 39 1074 – n.m.

This is a motility mutant isolated by Lewin. We suspect that n.m. in Gowans’ strain number means “non-mating.”

Lewin RA (1954) Mutants of Chlamydomonas moewusii with impaired motility. J Gen Microbiol 11:358-363

Lewin RA (1974) Genetic control of flagellar activity in Chlamydomonas moewusii (Chlorophyta, Volvocales). Phycologia 13:45-55

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, L 42 1082 +

This is a motility mutant isolated by Lewin.

Lewin RA (1954) Mutants of Chlamydomonas moewusii with impaired motility. J Gen Microbiol 11:358-363

Lewin RA (1974) Genetic control of flagellar activity in Chlamydomonas moewusii (Chlorophyta, Volvocales). Phycologia 13:45-55

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, as L 46 1087 –

This is a motility mutant isolated by Lewin.

Lewin RA (1954) Mutants of Chlamydomonas moewusii with impaired motility. J Gen Microbiol 11:358-363

Lewin RA (1974) Genetic control of flagellar activity in Chlamydomonas moewusii (Chlorophyta, Volvocales). Phycologia 13:45-55

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, L 50 2002 +

This is a motility mutant isolated by Lewin.

Lewin RA (1954) Mutants of Chlamydomonas moewusii with impaired motility. J Gen Microbiol 11:358-363

Lewin RA (1974) Genetic control of flagellar activity in Chlamydomonas moewusii (Chlorophyta, Volvocales). Phycologia 13:45-55

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, L 51 2004 +

This is a motility mutant isolated by Lewin.

Lewin RA (1954) Mutants of Chlamydomonas moewusii with impaired motility. J Gen Microbiol 11:358-363

Lewin RA (1974) Genetic control of flagellar activity in Chlamydomonas moewusii (Chlorophyta, Volvocales). Phycologia 13:45-55

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, as L 58 475.1051 –

This is a double mutant of M.475 (see CC-957, CC-1482 and CC-2522) and M.1051, two motility mutants isolated by Lewin.

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, as L 61 1001.1074 –

This is a double mutant of M.1001 (see CC-958) and M.1074 (see CC-1493 and CC-1494), two motility mutants isolated by Lewin.

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, L 62 1002.1082 +

This is a double mutant of M.1002 (see CC-2523) and M.1082 (see CC-1495), two motility mutants isolated by Lewin

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, as L 72 1043.1088 +

This is a double mutant of M.1043 (see CC-963 and CC-1487) and M.1088, two motility mutants isolated by Lewin.

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain S 1

This is a thiamine-requiring mutant UV-induced by Gowans. It requires intact thiamine, and cannot use thiazole and pyrithiamine.

Gowans CS (1960) Some genetic investigations on Chlamydomonas eugametos. Z Vererbs 91:63-73

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain
Mo 3

This is one of four allelic mutants that were UV-induced in C. eugametos by Gowans and collaborators. It requires nicotinamide or quinolinic acid..

Nakamura K and Gowans CS (1965) Genetic Control of Nicotinic Acid Metabolism in Chlamydomonas Eugametos. Genetics 51:931-945

Uhlik DJ and Gowans CS (1974) Synthesis of nicotinic acid in Chlamydomonas eugametos. Int J Biochem 5:79-84

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain Mo 4

This mutant was UV-induced.. It requires nicotinamide, and cannot use quinolinic acid.

Nakamura K, Gowans CS (1965) Genetic Control of Nicotinic Acid Metabolism in Chlamydomonas Eugametos. Genetics 51:931-945

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain N 17-3

This mutant was UV-induced.. It requires nicotinamide, and cannot use quinolinic acid.

Nakamura K, Gowans CS (1965) Genetic Control of Nicotinic Acid Metabolism in Chlamydomonas Eugametos. Genetics 51:931-945

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain Mo 6

This is one of four allelic mutants that were UV-induced in C. eugametos by Gowans and collaborators. It requires nicotinamide or quinolinic acid.

Nakamura K, Gowans CS (1965) Genetic Control of Nicotinic Acid Metabolism in Chlamydomonas Eugametos. Genetics 51:931-945

Uhlik DJ, Gowans CS (1974) Synthesis of nicotinic acid in Chlamydomonas eugametos. Int J Biochem 5:79-84

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain N 35-3

This is one of four allelic mutants that were UV-induced in C. eugametos by Gowans and collaborators. It requires nicotinamide or quinolinic acid.

Nakamura K, Gowans CS (1965) Genetic Control of Nicotinic Acid Metabolism in Chlamydomonas Eugametos. Genetics 51:931-945

Uhlik DJ, Gowans CS (1974) Synthesis of nicotinic acid in Chlamydomonas eugametos. Int J Biochem 5:79-84

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain N 47-4

This is one of four allelic mutants that were UV-induced in C. eugametos by Gowans and collaborators. It requires nicotinamide or quinolinic acid.

Nakamura K, Gowans CS (1965) Genetic Control of Nicotinic Acid Metabolism in Chlamydomonas Eugametos. Genetics 51:931-945

Uhlik DJ, Gowans CS (1974) Synthesis of nicotinic acid in Chlamydomonas eugametos. Int J Biochem 5:79-84

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain Mo 9

This mutant was UV-induced in by Gowans and collaborators. It requires nicotinamide, and cannot use quinolinic acid.

Nakamura K, Gowans CS (1965) Genetic Control of Nicotinic Acid Metabolism in Chlamydomonas Eugametos. Genetics 51:931-945

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain N 723-1

This mutant was UV-induced in by Gowans and collaborators. It requires nicotinamide, and cannot use quinolinic acid.

Nakamura K, Gowans CS (1965) Genetic Control of Nicotinic Acid Metabolism in Chlamydomonas Eugametos. Genetics 51:931-945

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain
Mo 10

The nic-5 mutant requires nicotinamide and cannot use quinolinic acid. mod-1 is a second mutation that blocks utilization of quinolinic acid (in nic-6 mutants) and nicotinic acid (in nic-5 and nic-6). The mod-1 phenotype can be abolished by high ionic strength (50 mM KCl or other salts) but not by osmotically active agenes such as glucose, sucrose, or glycerol. Nakamura and Gowans (1972) postulated that the mod-1 mutation might modify calcium transport, with the change in utilization of nicotinic and quinolinic acids being a secondary effect.

Nakamura K, Gowans CS (1965) Genetic Control of Nicotinic Acid Metabolism in Chlamydomonas Eugametos. Genetics 51:931-945

Nakamura K, Gowans CS (1967) Ionic remediability of a mutational transport defect in Chlamydomonas. J Bacteriol 93:1185-1187

Nakamura K, Gowans CS (1972) A modifier of a nic gene in Chlamydomonas. Can J Gen Cytol 14:733

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain N 256-4

The nic-5 mutant requires nicotinamine and cannot use quinolinic acid.

Nakamura K, Gowans CS (1965) Genetic Control of Nicotinic Acid Metabolism in Chlamydomonas Eugametos. Genetics 51:931-945

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain Mo 11

The nic-6 mutant requires nicotinamide or quinolinic acid. mod-1 is a second mutation that blocks utilization of quinolinic acid (in nic-6) and nicotinic acid (in nic-5 and nic-6). The mod-1 phenotype can be abolished by high ionic strength (50 mM KCl or other salts) but not by osmotically active agenes such as glucose, sucrose, or glycerol. Nakamura and Gowans (1972) postulated that the mod-1 mutation might modify calcium transport, with the change in utilization of nicotinic and quinolinic acids being a secondary effect.

Nakamura K, Gowans CS (1965) Genetic Control of Nicotinic Acid Metabolism in Chlamydomonas Eugametos. Genetics 51:931-945

Nakamura K, Gowans CS (1967) Ionic remediability of a mutational transport defect in Chlamydomonas. J Bacteriol 93:1185-1187

Nakamura K, Gowans CS (1972) A modifier of a nic gene in Chlamydomonas. Can J Gen Cytol 14:733

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain N 554-3

The nic-6 mutant requires nicotinamide or quinolinic acid.

Nakamura K, Gowans CS (1965) Genetic Control of Nicotinic Acid Metabolism in Chlamydomonas Eugametos. Genetics 51:931-945

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain Mo 12

The nic-5 mutant requires nicotinamine and cannot use quinolinic acid. The yg-1 mutation results in a yellow-green color.

Nakamura K, Gowans CS (1965) Genetic Control of Nicotinic Acid Metabolism in Chlamydomonas Eugametos. Genetics 51:931-945

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain N 64-3

The nic-5 mutant requires nicotinamine and cannot use quinolinic acid. The yg-1 mutation results in a yellow-green color.

Nakamura K, Gowans CS (1965) Genetic Control of Nicotinic Acid Metabolism in Chlamydomonas Eugametos. Genetics 51:931-945

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain Mo 23

This appears to be a nicotinamide-requiring mutant, but we don’t know which one.

Nakamura K, Gowans CS (1965) Genetic Control of Nicotinic Acid Metabolism in Chlamydomonas Eugametos. Genetics 51:931-945

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain Mo 24

This appears to be a nicotinamide-requiring mutant, but we don’t know which one.

Nakamura K, Gowans CS (1965) Genetic Control of Nicotinic Acid Metabolism in Chlamydomonas Eugametos. Genetics 51:931-945

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain Mo 25

This is one of four allelic mutants that were UV-induced in C. eugametos by Gowans and collaborators. It requires nicotinamide or quinolinic acid.

Nakamura K, Gowans CS (1965) Genetic Control of Nicotinic Acid Metabolism in Chlamydomonas Eugametos. Genetics 51:931-945

Uhlik DJ, Gowans CS (1974) Synthesis of nicotinic acid in Chlamydomonas eugametos. Int J Biochem 5:79-84

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain
Mo 26

The nic-6 mutant requires nicotinamide or quinolinic acid.

Nakamura K, Gowans CS (1965) Genetic Control of Nicotinic Acid Metabolism in Chlamydomonas Eugametos. Genetics 51:931-945

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain N 678-3

This is a double mutant of nic-4, which requires nicotinamide or quinolinic acid, and nic-8, which requires nicotinamide and cannot use quinolinic acid.

Nakamura K, Gowans CS (1965) Genetic Control of Nicotinic Acid Metabolism in Chlamydomonas Eugametos. Genetics 51:931-945

Uhlik DJ, Gowans CS (1974) Synthesis of nicotinic acid in Chlamydomonas eugametos. Int J Biochem 5:79-84

From C.S. Gowans, University of Missouri, March 1983, his strain N 666-3

This is a double mutant of nic-4, which requires nicotinamide or quinolinic acid, and nic-7, which requires nicotinamide and cannot use quinolinic acid.

Nakamura K, Gowans CS (1965) Genetic Control of Nicotinic Acid Metabolism in Chlamydomonas Eugametos. Genetics 51:931-945

Uhlik DJ, Gowans CS (1974) Synthesis of nicotinic acid in Chlamydomonas eugametos. Int J Biochem 5:79-84