CC-2471 pc1 mt-
From Wei-Yeh Wang, University of Iowa, March 1990; original culture lost, replaced by Wang in 1994
This mutant cannot photoconvert protochlorophyllide. Although it is not light-sensitive, we maintain it in the dark to avoid selecting for reversion or suppression. This strain is green in the dark. Li and Timko determined that this is a deletion mutation in the gene encoding NADPH:protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase.
CC-3964 couples pc1 with the y7 mutation, which prevents dark enzymatic conversion of protochlorophyllide.
Ford C, Mitchell S, Wang W (1981) Protochlorophyllide photoconversion mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Mol Gen Genet 184:460-464
Ford C, Mitchell S, Wang W (1983) Characterization of NADPH: Protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase in the y-7 and pc-1 y-7 mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Mol Gen Genet 192:290-292
Li J, Timko MP (1996) The pc-1 phenotype of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii results from a deletion mutation in the nuclear gene for NADPH:protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase. Plant Mol Biol 30:15-37
CC-2473 DCMU4 (psbA S264A)
From Jean-David Rochaix, University of Geneva, April 1990
Phenotype: herbicide resistant (atrazine, DCMU)
The DCMU4 mutation produces a Ser->Ala alteration at position 264 in the D1 protein, conferring resistance to DCMU and atrazine.
Erickson JM, Rahire M, Bennoun P, Delepelaire P, Diner B, Rochaix JD (1984) Herbicide resistance in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii results from a mutation in the chloroplast gene for the 32-kilodalton protein of photosystem II. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 81:3617-3621
Erickson JM, Rahire M, Rochaix JD, Mets L (1985) Herbicide resistance and cross-resistance: changes at three distinct sites in the herbicide-binding protein. Science 228:204-207
Etienne AL, Ducruet JM, Ajlani G, Vernotte C (1990) Comparative studies on electron transfer in Photosystem II of herbicide-resistant mutants from different organisms. Biochim Biophys Acta 1015:435-440
Govindjee, Eggenberg P, Pfister K, Strasser RJ (1992) Chlorophyll a fluorescence decay in herbicide-resistant D1 mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and the formate effect. Biochim Biophys Acta 1101:353-358
Heifetz PB, Lers A, Turpin DH, Gillham NW, Boynton JE, Osmond CB (1997) dr and spr/sr mutations of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii affecting D1 protein function and synthesis define two independent steps leading to chronic photoinhibition and confer differential fitness. Plant, Cell & Environment 20:1145-1157
From Deborah Berthold and Alexander Chunayev, Duke University, 1990
Phenotype: inhibitor resistant (fluoroacetate)
This mutant came from work done by Berthold and Chunayev during the latter’s sabbatical at Duke. It has not been characterized further.
CC-2479 MZ2 (psbA A251V) mt+
From Udo Johanningmeier, spring 1990
Phenotype: herbicide resistant (metribuzin)
The MZ2 mutation was obtained by treatment of strain 2137 (see CC-3269) with 5-fluorodeoxyuridine treatment plus ethyl methanesulfonate. It changes Ala to Val at position 251 of the D1 protein, conferring resistance to metribuzin.
Janatkova H, Wildner GF (1982) Isolation and characterisation of metribuzin-resistant Chlamydomonas reinhardii cells. Biochim Biophys Acta 682:227-233
Pucheu N, Oettmeier W, Heisterkamp U, Masson K, Wildner GF (1984) Metribuzin-resistant mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardii. Z Naturforsch Sect C 39:37-439
Johanningmeier U, Bodner U, Wildner GF (1987) A new mutation in the gene coding for the herbicide-binding protein in Chlamydomonas. FEBS Lett 211:221-224
CC-2482 dd-m-101 mt+
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
Phenotype: impaired motility
This mutant was isolated by nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis of cells grown in synchronous cultures (12:12 light-dark), at a time approximately 2 hours into the dark cycle. It has a temperature-conditional defect in flagellar function. Cells resemble wild type at permissive temperature (20 degrees) but when shifted to 32 degrees, the flagella beat in an erratic, uncoordinated manner. Recovery of wild-type function requires cell division or flagellar regeneration at the permissive temperature.
Huang B, Rifkin MR, Luck DJ (1977) Temperature-sensitive mutations affecting flagellar assembly and function in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Cell Biol 72:67-85
CC-2483 dd-m-104 mt-
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
Phenotype: impaired motility
This mutant was isolated by nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis of cells grown in synchronous cultures (12:12 light-dark), at a time approximately 2 hours into the dark cycle. It has a temperature-conditional defect in flagellar function. Cells resemble wild type at permissive temperature (20 degrees) but when shifted to 32 degrees, the flagella beat in a rapid, uncoordinated manner. Wild-type function is recovered with a shift to permissive temperature, and does not require reassembly.
Huang B, Rifkin MR, Luck DJ (1977) Temperature-sensitive mutations affecting flagellar assembly and function in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Cell Biol 72:67-85
CC-2484 dd-m-106
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
Phenotype: impaired motility
This mutant was isolated by nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis of cells grown in synchronous cultures (12:12 light-dark), at a time approximately 2 hours into the dark cycle. It has a temperature-conditional defect in flagellar function. Cells resemble wild type at permissive temperature (20 degrees) but when shifted to 32 degrees, the flagella beat in an erratic, uncoordinated manner. Recovery of wild-type function requires cell division or flagellar regeneration at the permissive temperature.
Huang B, Rifkin MR, Luck DJ (1977) Temperature-sensitive mutations affecting flagellar assembly and function in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Cell Biol 72:67-85
CC-2485 dd-m-112 mt-
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
Phenotype: impaired motility
This mutant was isolated by nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis of cells grown in synchronous cultures (12:12 light-dark), at a time approximately 2 hours into the dark cycle. It has a temperature-conditional defect in flagellar function. Cells resemble type at permissive temperature (20 degrees) but when shifted to 32 degrees, the flagella beat in an rapid, uncoordinated manner. Wild-type function is recovered with a shift to permissive temperature, and does not require reassembly.
Huang B, Rifkin MR, Luck DJ (1977) Temperature-sensitive mutations affecting flagellar assembly and function in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Cell Biol 72:67-85
CC-2486 dd-m-113 mt+
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
Phenotype: impaired motility
This mutant was isolated by nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis of cells grown in synchronous cultures (12:12 light-dark), at a time approximately 2 hours into the dark cycle. It has a temperature-conditional defect in flagellar function. Cells resemble type at permissive temperature (20 degrees) but when shifted to 32 degrees, they show slow spiral swimming, and variable flagellar length. Recovery of wild-type motility requires flagellar assembly at 20 degrees.
Huang B, Rifkin MR, Luck DJ (1977) Temperature-sensitive mutations affecting flagellar assembly and function in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Cell Biol 72:67-85
CC-2487 dd-m-200
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
Phenotype: impaired motility
This mutant was isolated by methyl methanesulfonate mutagenesis of cells grown in synchronous cultures (12:12 light-dark), at a time approximately 3 to 4 hours into the dark cycle. Cells resemble wild type at permissive temperature (20 degrees) but when shifted to 32 degrees, the flagella beat in an rapid, uncoordinated manner. Wild-type function is recovered with a shift to permissive temperature, and does not require reassembly.
Huang B, Rifkin MR, Luck DJ (1977) Temperature-sensitive mutations affecting flagellar assembly and function in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Cell Biol 72:67-85
CC-2488 dd-l-108 mt+
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
Phenotype: impaired motility
This mutant was isolated by nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis of cells grown in synchronous cultures (12:12 light-dark), at a time approximately 2 hours into the dark cycle. It has a temperature-conditional defect in flagellar function. Cells resemble wild type at permissive temperature (20 degrees) but when shifted to 32 degrees, the flagella detach rapidly. Cells can initiate flagellar reassembly at 32 degrees, but as the flagella elongate they are lost by detachment.
Cells of this mutant cannot form colonies at 32 degrees under constant light, where rapid growth and cell division are required. Cells grown on an alternating 12 h light-dark cycle divide normally.
Huang B, Rifkin MR, Luck DJ (1977) Temperature-sensitive mutations affecting flagellar assembly and function in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Cell Biol 72:67-85
CC-2489 pf1-R-65 mt-
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
This is a UV-induced revertant of pf1.
Luck DJ, Piperno G, Ramanis Z, Huang B (1977) Flagellar mutants of Chlamydomonas: studies of radial spoke-defective strains by dikaryon and revertant analysis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 74:3456-3460
CC-2490 pf14A-R-1
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
This strain is a UV-induced revertant of pf14A (see CC-2496). For more information on the PF14 locus, please see CC-613.
Huang B, Rifkin MR, Luck DJ (1977) Temperature-sensitive mutations affecting flagellar assembly and function in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Cell Biol 72:67-85
Luck DJ, Piperno G, Ramanis Z, Huang B (1977) Flagellar mutants of Chlamydomonas: studies of radial spoke-defective strains by dikaryon and revertant analysis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 74:3456-3460
CC-2491 pf14A-R-2
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
This strain is a UV-induced revertant of pf14A (see CC-2496). For more information on the PF14 locus, please see CC-613.
Huang B, Rifkin MR, Luck DJ (1977) Temperature-sensitive mutations affecting flagellar assembly and function in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Cell Biol 72:67-85
Luck DJ, Piperno G, Ramanis Z, Huang B (1977) Flagellar mutants of Chlamydomonas: studies of radial spoke-defective strains by dikaryon and revertant analysis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 74:3456-3460
CC-2492 pf13A mt+
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
Phenotype: impaired motility
This pf13 allele was isolated by Huang et al. using nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis. For more information on the PF13 locus, please see CC-1030.
Huang B, Piperno G, Luck DJ (1979) Paralyzed flagella mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Defective for axonemal doublet microtubule arms. J Biol Chem 254:3091-3099
Okagaki T, Kamiya R (1986) Microtubule sliding in mutant Chlamydomonas axonemes devoid of outer or inner dynein arms. J Cell Biol 103:1895-1902
Brokaw CJ, Kamiya R (1987) Bending patterns of Chlamydomonas flagella: IV. Mutants with defects in inner and outer dynein arms indicate differences in dynein arm function. Cell Motil Cytoskeleton 8:68-75
CC-2493 pf22A mt+
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
Phenotype: impaired motility
This mutation was induced with nitrosoguanidine in Luck’s laboratory. For additional information on the PF22 locus, please see CC-2495.
Huang B, Piperno G, Luck DJ (1979) Paralyzed flagella mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Defective for axonemal doublet microtubule arms. J Biol Chem 254:3091-3099
CC-2494 pf23 mt-
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
Phenotype: impaired motility
This mutant was isolated in Luck’s laboratory by mutagenesis with methyl methanesulfonate. The flagella are about 2/3 of the wild-type length.
Huang B, Piperno G, Luck DJ (1979) Paralyzed flagella mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Defective for axonemal doublet microtubule arms. J Biol Chem 254:3091-3099
Okagaki T, Kamiya R (1986) Microtubule sliding in mutant Chlamydomonas axonemes devoid of outer or inner dynein arms. J Cell Biol 103:1895-1902
Kamiya R (1995a) Exploring the function of inner and outer dynein arms with Chlamydomonas mutants. Cell Motil Cytoskeleton 32:98-102
Frey E, Brokaw CJ, Omoto CK (1997) Reactivation at low ATP distinguishes among classes of paralyzed flagella mutants. Cell Motil Cytoskeleton 38:91-99
CC-2495 pf22 mt+
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
Phenotype: impaired motility
This mutation was induced with nitrosoguanidine in Luck’s laboratory, and is allelic with pf22A, isolated at the same time. The pf22 mutants partially lack outer dynein arms of axonemal doublet microtubules; flagella are short in exponentially growing cells, about two-thirds of wild type length at stationary phase, and are deficient in 14 axonemal polypeptides.
Huang B, Piperno G, Luck DJ (1979) Paralyzed flagella mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Defective for axonemal doublet microtubule arms. J Biol Chem 254:3091-3099
Okagaki T, Kamiya R (1986) Microtubule sliding in mutant Chlamydomonas axonemes devoid of outer or inner dynein arms. J Cell Biol 103:1895-1902
Kamiya R (1995a) Exploring the function of inner and outer dynein arms with Chlamydomonas mutants. Cell Motil Cytoskeleton 32:98-102
Frey E, Brokaw CJ, Omoto CK (1997) Reactivation at low ATP distinguishes among classes of paralyzed flagella mutants. Cell Motil Cytoskeleton 38:91-99
CC-2496 pf14A mt-
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
Phenotype: impaired motility
This pf14 allele was isolated by Huang et al. (1977). The PF14 locus corresponds to the gene encoding flagellar radial spoke protein 3 (please see CC-613 for more information on this locus).
Huang B, Rifkin MR, Luck DJ (1977) Temperature-sensitive mutations affecting flagellar assembly and function in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Cell Biol 72:67-85
Luck DJ, Piperno G, Ramanis Z, Huang B (1977) Flagellar mutants of Chlamydomonas: studies of radial spoke-defective strains by dikaryon and revertant analysis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 74:3456-3460
CC-2497 pf25A mt+
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
Phenotype: impaired motility
This mutant was isolated in Luck’s laboratory using nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis. Please see CC-1385 for more information on the PF25 (RSP11) locus.
Huang B, Piperno G, Ramanis Z, Luck DJ (1981) Radial spokes of Chlamydomonas flagella: genetic analysis of assembly and function. J Cell Biol 88:80-88
CC-2498 pf25D mt+
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
Phenotype: impaired motility
This pf25 allele was induced with nitrosoguanidine in Luck’s laboratory. Please see CC-1385 for more information on the PF25 (RSP11) locus.
Huang B, Piperno G, Ramanis Z, Luck DJ (1981) Radial spokes of Chlamydomonas flagella: genetic analysis of assembly and function. J Cell Biol 88:80-88
CC-2499 pf25F mt+
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
Phenotype: impaired motility
This pf25 allele was induced with nitrosoguanidine in Luck’s laboratory. Please see CC-1385 for more information on the PF25 (RSP11) locus.
Huang B, Piperno G, Ramanis Z, Luck DJ (1981) Radial spokes of Chlamydomonas flagella: genetic analysis of assembly and function. J Cell Biol 88:80-88
CC-2500 pf24 mt+
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
Phenotype: impaired motility
This is probably the same as CC-1384, originating from David Luck’s laboratory. It was received in 1990 together with the revertant pf24-R1, and other strains.
CC-2501 pf24-R-1 mt+
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
This is an intragenic revertant of the original pf24 mutant (see CC-1384), in which the electrophoretically mobility of radial spoke protein 2 is altered.
Huang B, Piperno G, Ramanis Z, Luck DJ (1981) Radial spokes of Chlamydomonas flagella: genetic analysis of assembly and function. J Cell Biol 88:80-88
CC-2502 pf1-R-84 mt+
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
Phenotype: impaired motility
This is a UV-induced reversion of pf1 (CC-1024 or equivalent), isolated in Luck’s laboratory. It swims actively at 20 degrees, but when shifted to 32 degrees the flagella become paralyzed within 10 minutes.
Luck DJ, Piperno G, Ramanis Z, Huang B (1977) Flagellar mutants of Chlamydomonas: studies of radial spoke-defective strains by dikaryon and revertant analysis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 74:3456-3460
Huang B, Piperno G, Ramanis Z, Luck DJ (1981) Radial spokes of Chlamydomonas flagella: genetic analysis of assembly and function. J Cell Biol 88:80-88
CC-2503 pf2A mt-
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
Phenotype: impaired motility
This allele at the PF2 locus was isolated by Huang and colleagues in Luck’s laboratory. Its flagella move erratically, and suspensions typically contain some swimming cells.
Huang B, Ramanis Z, Luck DJ (1982) Suppressor mutations in Chlamydomonas reveal a regulatory mechanism for Flagellar function. Cell 28:115-124
CC-2504 pf3A mt-
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
Phenotype: impaired motility
This allele at the PF3 locus was isolated by Huang and colleagues in Luck’s laboratory. Please see CC-1026 for more information on the PF3 locus.
Huang B, Ramanis Z, Luck DJ (1982) Suppressor mutations in Chlamydomonas reveal a regulatory mechanism for Flagellar function. Cell 28:115-124
CC-2505 pf3B mt-
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
Phenotype: impaired motility
This allele at the PF3 locus was isolated by Huang and colleagues in Luck’s laboratory. Please see CC-1026 for more information on this locus.
Huang B, Ramanis Z, Luck DJ (1982) Suppressor mutations in Chlamydomonas reveal a regulatory mechanism for Flagellar function. Cell 28:115-124
CC-2506 uni1-1 mt+
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
Phenotype: uniflagellate
This is the original uni1 mutant, induced by ICR-191 mutagenesis in the 137c background by Huang and colleagues in Luck’s laboratory. Most cells in a culture of this mutant are uniflagellate.
Huang B, Ramanis Z, Dutcher SK, Luck DJ (1982) Uniflagellar mutants of Chlamydomonas: evidence for the role of basal bodies in transmission of positional information. Cell 29:745-753
CC-2507 uni1-2 mt-
From Gianni Piperno, Rockefeller University, June 1990
Phenotype: uniflagellate
This mutant was induced by ICR-191 mutagenesis in the 137c background by Huang and colleagues in Luck’s laboratory. Huang et al. called it uni2, but showed that it was allelic with uni1.
Huang B, Ramanis Z, Dutcher SK, Luck DJ (1982) Uniflagellar mutants of Chlamydomonas: evidence for the role of basal bodies in transmission of positional information. Cell 29:745-753
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