CC-3906 pf6 sup-pf1-1 mt-
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, October 2001
Porter obtained this strain from David Luck; it is the original isolate of sup-pf1 in the pf6 background. Please see CC-1397 for more information on sup-pf1.
Porter ME, Knott JA, Gardner LC, Mitchell DR, Dutcher SK (1994) Mutations in the SUP-PF-1 locus of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii identify a regulatory domain in the beta-dynein heavy chain. J Cell Biol 126:1495-1507
CC-3907 sup-pf1-2 (D22)
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, October 2001
Porter obtained this strain from David Luck. Please see CC-1397 and the references listed here for more information on the sup-pf1 mutants.
Luck DJL, Piperno G (1989) Dynein arm mutants of Chlamydomonas. Cell Movement 1:49-60
Porter ME, Knott JA, Gardner LC, Mitchell DR, Dutcher SK (1994) Mutations in the SUP-PF-1 locus of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii identify a regulatory domain in the beta-dynein heavy chain. J Cell Biol 126:1495-1507
CC-3908 pf6 sup-pf1-1 mt+
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, October 2001
This mt+ strain was obtained by back-crossing the original pf6 sup-pf1-1 (CC-3906).
Porter ME, Knott JA, Gardner LC, Mitchell DR, Dutcher SK (1994) Mutations in the SUP-PF-1 locus of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii identify a regulatory domain in the beta-dynein heavy chain. J Cell Biol 126:1495-1507
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, October 2001
Porter obtained this strain from David Luck. It was originally desginated pf6R13. Please see CC-1397 and the references listed here for more information on the sup-pf1 mutants.
Luck DJL, Piperno G (1989) Dynein arm mutants of Chlamydomonas. Cell Movement 1:49-60
Porter ME, Knott JA, Gardner LC, Mitchell DR, Dutcher SK (1994) Mutations in the SUP-PF-1 locus of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii identify a regulatory domain in the beta-dynein heavy chain. J Cell Biol 126:1495-1507
CC-3910 sup-pf1-4 (RR5)
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, October 2001
This is an allele at the SUP-PF1 locus, corresponding to the DHC14 gene. Please see CC-1397 and the references listed here for more information on the sup-pf1 mutants.
Luck DJL, Piperno G (1989) Dynein arm mutants of Chlamydomonas. Cell Movement 1:49-60
Porter ME, Power J, Dutcher SK (1992) Extragenic suppressors of paralyzed flagellar mutations in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii identify loci that alter the inner dynein arms. J Cell Biol 118:1163-1176
Porter ME, Knott JA, Gardner LC, Mitchell DR, Dutcher SK (1994) Mutations in the SUP-PF-1 locus of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii identify a regulatory domain in the beta-dynein heavy chain. J Cell Biol 126:1495-1507
CC-3911 sup-pf1-5 (RR48)
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, October 2001
This is an allele at the SUP-PF1 locus, corresponding to the DHC14 gene. Please see CC-1397 and the references listed here for more information on the sup-pf1 mutants.
Luck DJL, Piperno G (1989) Dynein arm mutants of Chlamydomonas. Cell Movement 1:49-60
Porter ME, Power J, Dutcher SK (1992) Extragenic suppressors of paralyzed flagellar mutations in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii identify loci that alter the inner dynein arms. J Cell Biol 118:1163-1176
Porter ME, Knott JA, Gardner LC, Mitchell DR, Dutcher SK (1994) Mutations in the SUP-PF-1 locus of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii identify a regulatory domain in the beta-dynein heavy chain. J Cell Biol 126:1495-1507
CC-3912 pf3 ida4 mt-
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, October 2001
Phenotype: impaired motility
The IDA4 locus corresponds to the gene encoding the dynein inner arm p28 light chain. Flagella of pf3 mutants show shallow bend forms, cells swim slowly. Huang et al. found that the pf3 mutants have a wild type appearance in electron micrographs, but share defects in axonemal proteins with spoke-specific suppressor mutants and can restore motility to paralyzed radial spoke defective mutants. Please see CC-1026 for more information on the PF3 locus, and CC-2670 for ida4.
CC-3913 pf9-3 mt-
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, October 2001
Phenotype: impaired motility
This is the original pf9-3, an insertional allele isolated by King and Dutcher.
For more information on the PF9 locus, please see CC-1254.
Myster SH, Knott JA, O'Toole E, Porter ME (1997) The Chlamydomonas Dhc1 gene encodes a dynein heavy chain subunit required for assembly of the I1 inner arm complex. Mol Biol Cell 8:607-620
CC-3914 sup-pf2-1 pf14 mt-
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, October 2001
The PF14 locus corresponds to the gene encoding radial spoke protein 3. The sup-pf2 mutation is an allele at the ODA2 or PF28 locus. For more information on these mutants, please see CC-613 and CC-1398.
CC-3915 stf1-1
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, October 2001
Phenotype: impaired motility
This mutant has stumpy flagella, and is an allele at the locus encoding cytoplasmic dynein cDhc1b.
Porter ME, Bower R, Knott JA, Byrd P, Dentler W (1999) Cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain 1b is required for flagellar assembly in Chlamydomonas. Mol Biol Cell 10:693-712
CC-3916 stf1-2
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, October 2001
Phenotype: impaired motility
This mutant has stumpy flagella, and is an allele at the locus encoding cytoplasmic dynein cDhc1b.
Porter ME, Bower R, Knott JA, Byrd P, Dentler W (1999) Cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain 1b is required for flagellar assembly in Chlamydomonas. Mol Biol Cell 10:693-712
CC-3917 pf28 pf9-2 G4 mt-
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, October 2001
Phenotype: impaired motility
This is a double mutant affecting the outer and inner dynein arms, with a third extragenic suppressor mutation that restores wild type flagellar length without restoring outer arm or I1 inner arm function.
For more information on the PF9 locus, please see CC-1254, and for PF28, please see CC-1877.
Porter ME, Power J, Dutcher SK (1992) Extragenic suppressors of paralyzed flagellar mutations in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii identify loci that alter the inner dynein arms. J Cell Biol 118:1163-1176
Myster SH, Knott JA, Wysocki KM, O'Toole E, Porter ME (1999) Domains in the 1alpha dynein heavy chain required for inner arm assembly and flagellar motility in Chlamydomonas. J Cell Biol 146:801-818
CC-3918 pf28 pf9-2 G3 mt-
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, October 2001
Phenotype: impaired motility
The outer arm/inner arm double mutant pf9-2 pf28 was partially rescued by transformation with the Dhc1 gene. The rescuing construct encodes an N-terminal fragment of the 1-alpha dynein heavy chain that permits reassembly of the I1 dynein complex.
For more information on the PF9 locus, please see CC-1254, and for PF28, please see CC-1877.
Porter ME, Power J, Dutcher SK (1992) Extragenic suppressors of paralyzed flagellar mutations in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii identify loci that alter the inner dynein arms. J Cell Biol 118:1163-1176
Myster SH, Knott JA, Wysocki KM, O'Toole E, Porter ME (1999) Domains in the 1alpha dynein heavy chain required for inner arm assembly and flagellar motility in Chlamydomonas. J Cell Biol 146:801-818
CC-3919 pf28 pf9-2 E2 mt-
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, October 2001
Phenotype: impaired motility
The outer arm/inner arm double mutant pf9-2 pf28 was partially rescued by transformation with the Dhc1 gene. The rescuing construct encodes an N-terminal fragment of the 1-alpha dynein heavy chain that permits reassembly of the I1 dynein complex.
For more information on the PF9 locus, please see CC-1254, and for PF28, please see CC-1877.
Porter ME, Power J, Dutcher SK (1992) Extragenic suppressors of paralyzed flagellar mutations in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii identify loci that alter the inner dynein arms. J Cell Biol 118:1163-1176
Myster SH, Knott JA, Wysocki KM, O'Toole E, Porter ME (1999) Domains in the 1alpha dynein heavy chain required for inner arm assembly and flagellar motility in Chlamydomonas. J Cell Biol 146:801-818
CC-3920 pf9-3 G4 1a mt+
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, October 2001
Phenotype: impaired motility
This strain was obtained by crossing pf28 pf9-2 G4 (CC-3917) to pf9-3 and identifiying progeny that are wild-type at the PF28 locus, contain a large deletion at the PF9 locus (pf9-3) and carry a Dhc1 transgene encoding an N-terminal fragment of the 1-alpha dynein heavy chain
Myster SH, Knott JA, O'Toole E, Porter ME (1997) The Chlamydomonas Dhc1 gene encodes a dynein heavy chain subunit required for assembly of the I1 inner arm complex. Mol Biol Cell 8:607-620
Myster SH, Knott JA, Wysocki KM, O'Toole E, Porter ME (1999) Domains in the 1alpha dynein heavy chain required for inner arm assembly and flagellar motility in Chlamydomonas. J Cell Biol 146:801-818
CC-3921 ida7-1 (5b10)
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, October 2001
Phenotype: impaired motility
This is Porter’s strain 5b10, the original ida7-1 mutant as described in Perrone et al. 1998. The IDA7 locus corresponds to the gene encoding dynein inner arm I1 intermediate chain IC140.
The IDA7 locus was mapped to linkage group XVIII (chromosome 16), but appears on chromosome 1 in the JGI v4 genome assembly. This appears to be an assembly error.
Perrone CA, Tritschler D, Taulman P, Bower R, Yoder BK, Porter ME (1998) A novel
dynein light intermediate chain colocalizes with the retrograde motor for intraflagellar transport at sites of axoneme assembly in chlamydomonas and Mammalian cells. Mol Biol Cell 14:2041-2056
CC-3922 ida2-6 (27b3)
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, October 2001
Phenotype: impaired motility
This is Porter’s strain 27b3, the original ida2-6 mutant isolated by David Mitchell and described by Perrone et al. Please see CC-2666 for more information on the IDA2 locus, which corresponds to the gene encoding the dynein 1-beta heavy chain.
Perrone CA, Myster SH, Bower R, O'Toole ET, Porter ME (2000) Insights into the structural organization of the I1 inner arm dynein from a domain analysis of the 1beta dynein heavy chain. Mol Biol Cell 11:2297-2313
CC-3923 ida2-7 (j6h9)
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, October 2001
Phenotype: impaired motility
This is Porter’s strain j6h9, the original ida2-7 mutant described by Perrone et al. Please see CC-2666 for more information on the IDA2 locus, which corresponds to the gene encoding the dynein 1-beta heavy chain.
Perrone CA, Myster SH, Bower R, O'Toole ET, Porter ME (2000) Insights into the structural organization of the I1 inner arm dynein from a domain analysis of the 1beta dynein heavy chain. Mol Biol Cell 11:2297-2313
CC-3924 ida2-6::lH (9a)
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, October 2001
Phenotype: impaired motility
This is an ida2-6 strain that was partially rescued by a phage clone encoding a fragment of the 1-beta dynein heavy chain. Please see CC-2666 for more information on the IDA2 locus.
Perrone CA, Myster SH, Bower R, O'Toole ET, Porter ME (2000) Insights into the structural organization of the I1 inner arm dynein from a domain analysis of the 1beta dynein heavy chain. Mol Biol Cell 11:2297-2313
CC-3925 ida2-6::lD (d11)
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, October 2001
Phenotype: impaired motility
This is an ida2-6 strain that was partially rescued by a phage clone encoding a fragment of the 1-beta dynein heavy chain. Please see CC-2666 for more information on the IDA2 locus.
Perrone CA, Myster SH, Bower R, O'Toole ET, Porter ME (2000) Insights into the structural organization of the I1 inner arm dynein from a domain analysis of the 1beta dynein heavy chain. Mol Biol Cell 11:2297-2313
CC-3926 pf6-2 (5b9) mt+
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, October 2001
Phenotype: impaired motility
This is an insertional mutation at the PF6 locus, Porter’s strain 5b9. Please see CC-1029 for more information on the PF6 locus.
Rupp G, O'Toole E, Porter ME (2001) The Chlamydomonas PF6 locus encodes a large alanine/proline-rich polypeptide that is required for assembly of a central pair projection and regulates flagellar motility. Mol Biol Cell 12:739-751
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, October 2001
This is a strain with wild type motility obtained by cotransformation of pf6-2 arg7 with pARG7.8 and an epitope-tagged construct of the PF6 gene, pSET-41. The PF6 gene product can be detected with antibiodies against the HA epitope tag, as described by Rupp et al. 2001.
Rupp G, O'Toole E, Porter ME (2001) The Chlamydomonas PF6 locus encodes a large alanine/proline-rich polypeptide that is required for assembly of a central pair projection and regulates flagellar motility. Mol Biol Cell 12:739-751
CC-3928 ida8-1 mt+ [59c2]
From Mary Porter, U of MN
Phenotype: slow motility
Lin J, Le TV, Augspurger K, Tritschler D, Bower R, Fu G, Perrone C, O'Toole ET, Mills KV, Dymek E, Smith E, Nicastro D, Porter ME (2019) FAP57/WDR65 targets assembly of a subset of inner arm dyneins and connects to regulatory hubs in cilia. Mol Biol Cell 30:2659-2680
CC-3929 ida8-2 mt- [45g11]
From Mary Porter, U of MN
Phenotype: slow motility
Lin J, Le TV, Augspurger K, Tritschler D, Bower R, Fu G, Perrone C, O'Toole ET, Mills KV, Dymek E, Smith E, Nicastro D, Porter ME (2019) FAP57/WDR65 targets assembly of a subset of inner arm dyneins and connects to regulatory hubs in cilia. Mol Biol Cell 30:2659-268
CC-3930 ida8-3 mt- [47d7]
From Mary Porter, U of MN
Phenotype: slow motility
Lin J, Le TV, Augspurger K, Tritschler D, Bower R, Fu G, Perrone C, O'Toole ET, Mills KV, Dymek E, Smith E, Nicastro D, Porter ME (2019) FAP57/WDR65 targets assembly of a subset of inner arm dyneins and connects to regulatory hubs in cilia. Mol Biol Cell 30:2659-268
CC-3931 spr-u
From Barbara Sears, Michigan State University, January 2002
Phenotype: antibiotic resistant (spectinomycin)
This is a spectinomycin resistance mutation in the chloroplast gene encoding 16S rRNA, isolated by GuhaMajumdar and Sears. The base pair change is G>C at 1125.
Guhamajumdar M, Sears BB (2005) Chloroplast DNA base substitutions: an experimental assessment. Mol Gen Genomics 273:177-183
CC-3932 spr-u C>T at 1124
From Barbara Sears, Michigan State University, January 2002
Phenotype: antibiotic resistant (spectinomycin)
This is a spectinomycin resistance mutation in the chloroplast gene encoding 16S rRNA, isolated by GuhaMajumdar and Sears. The base pair change is C>T at 1124.
Guhamajumdar M, Sears BB (2005) Chloroplast DNA base substitutions: an experimental assessment. Mol Gen Genomics 273:177-183
CC-3933 spr-u C>A at 1124
From Barbara Sears, Michigan State University, January 2002
Phenotype: antibiotic resistant (spectinomycin)
This is a spectinomycin resistance mutation in the chloroplast gene encoding 16S rRNA, isolated by GuhaMajumdar and Sears. The base pair change is C>A at 1124.
Guhamajumdar M, Sears BB (2005) Chloroplast DNA base substitutions: an experimental assessment. Mol Gen Genomics 273:177-183
CC-3934 spr-u G>T at 1125
From Barbara Sears, Michigan State University, January 2002
Phenotype: antibiotic resistant (spectinomycin)
This is a spectinomycin resistance mutation in the chloroplast gene encoding 16S rRNA, isolated by GuhaMajumdar and Sears. The base pair change is G>T at 1125.
Guhamajumdar M, Sears BB (2005) Chloroplast DNA base substitutions: an experimental assessment. Mol Gen Genomics 273:177-183
From Gregory Pazour, University of Massachusetts Medical School, February 2002
Phenotype: impaired motility
This is Pazour strain V40, the original oda3-4 mutant isolate.
Koutoulis A, Pazour GJ, Wilkerson CG, Inaba K, Sheng H, Takada S, Witman GB (1997) The Chlamydomonas reinhardtii ODA3 gene encodes a protein of the outer dynein arm docking complex. J Cell Biol 137:1069-1080
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