CC-4066 osm15 mt-
From Peter Luykx, University of Miami, June 2005, his PL85
Phenotype: deficient in osmoregulation
Please see CC-4020 for more information on this mutant. This strain should be maintained on TAP medium supplemented with 0.06M sucrose or lactose.
CC-4067 osm16 mt+
From Peter Luykx, University of Miami, June 2005, his PL87
Phenotype: deficient in osmoregulation
Please see CC-4021 for more information on this mutant. This strain should be maintained on TAP medium supplemented with 0.06M sucrose or lactose.
CC-4068 osm18 mt-
From Peter Luykx, University of Miami, June 2005, his PL88
Phenotype: deficient in osmoregulation
Please see CC-4024 for another isolate of this mutant. This strain should be maintained on TAP medium supplemented with 0.06M sucrose or lactose.
CC-4069 osm19 mt+
From Peter Luykx, University of Miami, June 2005, his PL124
Phenotype: deficient in osmoregulation
Please see CC-4025 for another isolate of this mutant. This strain should be maintained on TAP medium supplemented with 0.06M sucrose or lactose.
CC-4070 osm19 mt-
From Peter Luykx, University of Miami, June 2005, his PL126
Phenotype: deficient in osmoregulation
Please see CC-4026 for another isolate of this mutant. This strain should be maintained on TAP medium supplemented with 0.06M sucrose or lactose.
CC-4071 osm19 nit1 mt+
From Peter Luykx, University of Miami, June 2005, his PL134
Phenotype: deficient in osmoregulation
This is the osm19 mutant in a nit1 background. Please see CC-4025 for more information on this mutant. This strain should be maintained on TAP medium supplemented with 0.06M sucrose or lactose. This strain has the wild-type allele at the NIT2 locus.
CC-4072 osm19 mt-
From Peter Luykx, University of Miami, June 2005, his PL136
Phenotype: deficient in osmoregulation
Please see CC-4025 for more information on the osm19 mutant. This strain should be maintained on TAP medium supplemented with 0.06M sucrose or lactose.
CC-4073 npq5
From Krishna Niyogi, UC Berkeley, February 2006
Phenotype: altered chlorophyll fluorescence
This is a null mutation in the LHCBM1 gene. It is deficient in thermal dissipation of excess light energy.
Elrad D, Niyogi KK, Grossman AR (2002) A major light-harvesting polypeptide of photosystem II functions in thermal dissipation. Plant Cell 14:1801-1816
CC-4074 ida9 mt+
From Ritsu Kamiya, University of Tokyo, February 2006
Phenotype: impaired motility
The ida9 mutant is deficient in the dynein heavy chain DHC9.
Yagi T, Minoura I, Fujiwara A, Saito R, Yasunaga T, Hirono M, Kamiya R (2005) An axonemal dynein particularly important for flagellar movement at high viscosity. Implications from a new Chlamydomonas mutant deficient in the dynein heavy chain gene DHC9. J Biol Chem 280:41412-41420
CC-4075 ida9 mt-
From Ritsu Kamiya, University of Tokyo, February 2006
Phenotype: impaired motility
The ida9 mutant is deficient in the dynein heavy chain DHC9.
Yagi T, Minoura I, Fujiwara A, Saito R, Yasunaga T, Hirono M, Kamiya R (2005) An axonemal dynein particularly important for flagellar movement at high viscosity. Implications from a new Chlamydomonas mutant deficient in the dynein heavy chain gene DHC9. J Biol Chem 280:41412-41420
CC-4076 bld10 mt-
From Ritsu Kamiya, University of Tokyo, February 2006
Phenotype: lacks flagella, does not mate
The BLD10 locus encodes a coiled-coil protein localized to the cartwheel structure at the proximal end of the basal body. Null mutants at this locus have no basal bodies or flagella. Alleles in which a truncated protein is made have abnormal basal bodies in which the 9-fold symmetry is altered.
Marshall WF (2007) Centriole assembly: the origin of nine-ness. Curr Biol 7:R1057-R1059
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, April 2006
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, April 2006
Perrone CA, Myster SH, Bower R, O'Toole ET, Porter ME (2000) Insights into the structural organization of the I1 inner arm dynein from a domain analysis of the 1beta dynein heavy chain. Mol Biol Cell 11:2297-2313
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, April 2006
Perrone CA, Myster SH, Bower R, O'Toole ET, Porter ME (2000) Insights into the structural organization of the I1 inner arm dynein from a domain analysis of the 1beta dynein heavy chain. Mol Biol Cell 11:2297-2313
CC-4080 bop5-1
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, April 2006
The bop (bypass of paralysis) mutants were isolated by Dutcher et al. in a pf10 background, by selection for restoration of motility. Hendrickson et al. showed that the BOP5 locus encodes the axonemal inner arm I1 intermediate chain dynein IC138, which is a WD-repeat dynein intermediate chain required for light chain assembly and regulation of flagellar bending.
Dutcher SK, Gibbons W, Inwood WB (1988) A genetic analysis of suppressors of the PF10 mutation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics 120:965-976
Dutcher SK, Power J, Galloway RE, Porter ME (1991) Reappraisal of the genetic map of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Hered 82:295-301
Hendrickson TW, Perrone CA, Griffin P, Wuichet K, Mueller J, Yang P, Porter ME, Sale WS (2004) IC138 is a WD-repeat dynein intermediate chain required for light chain assembly and regulation of flagellar bending. Mol Biol Cell 15:5431-5442
CC-4081 bop5 arg7 1D::Phx 2A
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, April 2006
For more information on bop5, see CC-4080.
CC-4082 bop5 arg7 1D::Phx E6
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, April 2006
For more information on bop5, see CC-4080.
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, April 2006
This is the bop5 mutation in a diploid background, originally identified as “diploid colony 2″.
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, April 2006
This is the bop5 mutation in a diploid background, identified as “diploid colony 4″
CC-4085 bop5-1 arg7-2
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, April 2006
For more information on bop5, see CC-4080.
CC-4086 bop2-1
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, April 2006
The bop (bypass of paralysis) mutants were isolated by Dutcher et al. in a pf10 background, by selection for restoration of motility.
Dutcher SK, Gibbons W, Inwood WB (1988) A genetic analysis of suppressors of the PF10 mutation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics 120:965-976
Dutcher SK, Power J, Galloway RE, Porter ME (1991) Reappraisal of the genetic map of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Hered 82:295-301
CC-4088 bop2-1; pf10 [5B]
From Mary Porter, University of Minnesota, April 2006
The bop (bypass of paralysis) mutants were isolated by Dutcher et al. in a pf10 background, by selection for restoration of motility.
Dutcher SK, Gibbons W, Inwood WB. A genetic analysis of suppressors of the PF10 mutation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics. 1988 Dec;120(4):965-76. doi: 10.1093/genetics/120.4.965. PMID: 3224813; PMCID: PMC1203588.
Dutcher SK, Power J, Galloway RE, Porter ME. Reappraisal of the genetic map of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Hered. 1991 Jul-Aug;82(4):295-301. doi: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.jhered.a111089. PMID: 1880392.
Lin J, Le TV, Augspurger K, Tritschler D, Bower R, Fu G, Perrone C, O'Toole ET, Mills KV, Dymek E, Smith E, Nicastro D, Porter ME. FAP57/WDR65 targets assembly of a subset of inner arm dyneins and connects to regulatory hubs in cilia. Mol Biol Cell. 2019 Oct 1;30(21):2659-2680. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E19-07-0367. Epub 2019 Sep 4. PMID: 31483737; PMCID: PMC6761771.
CC-4089 ida8-1 mt+ [59c2]
From Mary Porter, U of MN, April 2006
Phenotype: slow motility
Lin J, Le TV, Augspurger K, Tritschler D, Bower R, Fu G, Perrone C, O'Toole ET, Mills KV, Dymek E, Smith E, Nicastro D, Porter ME (2019) FAP57/WDR65 targets assembly of a subset of inner arm dyneins and connects to regulatory hubs in cilia. Mol Biol Cell 30:2659-2680
CC-4090 ida8-1 pf10 [4a]
From Mary Porter, U of MN, April 2006
Phenotype: jiggly motility
Lin J, Le TV, Augspurger K, Tritschler D, Bower R, Fu G, Perrone C, O'Toole ET, Mills KV, Dymek E, Smith E, Nicastro D, Porter ME (2019) FAP57/WDR65 targets assembly of a subset of inner arm dyneins and connects to regulatory hubs in cilia. Mol Biol Cell 30:2659-2680
CC-4091 ida8-1 pf10 [4d]
From Mary Porter, U of MN, April 2006
Phenotype: jiggly motility
Lin J, Le TV, Augspurger K, Tritschler D, Bower R, Fu G, Perrone C, O'Toole ET, Mills KV, Dymek E, Smith E, Nicastro D, Porter ME (2019) FAP57/WDR65 targets assembly of a subset of inner arm dyneins and connects to regulatory hubs in cilia. Mol Biol Cell 30:2659-2680
From Mary Porter, U of MN, April 2006
Lin J, Le TV, Augspurger K, Tritschler D, Bower R, Fu G, Perrone C, O'Toole ET, Mills KV, Dymek E, Smith E, Nicastro D, Porter ME. FAP57/WDR65 targets assembly of a subset of inner arm dyneins and connects to regulatory hubs in cilia. Mol Biol Cell. 2019 Oct 1;30(21):2659-2680. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E19-07-0367. Epub 2019 Sep 4. PMID: 31483737; PMCID: PMC6761771.
From Mary Porter, U of MN, April 2006
Phenotype: slow motility
Lin J, Le TV, Augspurger K, Tritschler D, Bower R, Fu G, Perrone C, O'Toole ET, Mills KV, Dymek E, Smith E, Nicastro D, Porter ME (2019) FAP57/WDR65 targets assembly of a subset of inner arm dyneins and connects to regulatory hubs in cilia. Mol Biol Cell 30:2659-2680
From Mary Porter, U of MN, April 2006
Dutcher SK, Gibbons W, Inwood WB. A genetic analysis of suppressors of the PF10 mutation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics. 1988 Dec;120(4):965-76. doi: 10.1093/genetics/120.4.965. PMID: 3224813; PMCID: PMC1203588.
Dutcher SK, Power J, Galloway RE, Porter ME. Reappraisal of the genetic map of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Hered. 1991 Jul-Aug;82(4):295-301. doi: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.jhered.a111089. PMID: 1880392.
Lin J, Le TV, Augspurger K, Tritschler D, Bower R, Fu G, Perrone C, O'Toole ET, Mills KV, Dymek E, Smith E, Nicastro D, Porter ME. FAP57/WDR65 targets assembly of a subset of inner arm dyneins and connects to regulatory hubs in cilia. Mol Biol Cell. 2019 Oct 1;30(21):2659-2680. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E19-07-0367. Epub 2019 Sep 4. PMID: 31483737; PMCID: PMC6761771.
From Mary Porter, U of MN, April 2006
The bop (bypass of paralysis) mutants were isolated by Dutcher et al. in a pf10 background, by selection for restoration of motility.
Dutcher SK, Gibbons W, Inwood WB. A genetic analysis of suppressors of the PF10 mutation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics. 1988 Dec;120(4):965-76. doi: 10.1093/genetics/120.4.965. PMID: 3224813; PMCID: PMC1203588.
Dutcher SK, Power J, Galloway RE, Porter ME. Reappraisal of the genetic map of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Hered. 1991 Jul-Aug;82(4):295-301. doi: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.jhered.a111089. PMID: 1880392.
Lin J, Le TV, Augspurger K, Tritschler D, Bower R, Fu G, Perrone C, O'Toole ET, Mills KV, Dymek E, Smith E, Nicastro D, Porter ME. FAP57/WDR65 targets assembly of a subset of inner arm dyneins and connects to regulatory hubs in cilia. Mol Biol Cell. 2019 Oct 1;30(21):2659-2680. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E19-07-0367. Epub 2019 Sep 4. PMID: 31483737; PMCID: PMC6761771.
From Mary Porter, U of MN, April 2006
Phenotype: slow motility
The bop (bypass of paralysis) mutants were isolated by Dutcher et al. in a pf10 background, by selection for restoration of motility.
Dutcher SK, Gibbons W, Inwood WB. A genetic analysis of suppressors of the PF10 mutation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics. 1988 Dec;120(4):965-76. doi: 10.1093/genetics/120.4.965. PMID: 3224813; PMCID: PMC1203588.
Dutcher SK, Power J, Galloway RE, Porter ME. Reappraisal of the genetic map of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Hered. 1991 Jul-Aug;82(4):295-301. doi: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.jhered.a111089. PMID: 1880392.
Lin J, Le TV, Augspurger K, Tritschler D, Bower R, Fu G, Perrone C, O'Toole ET, Mills KV, Dymek E, Smith E, Nicastro D, Porter ME. FAP57/WDR65 targets assembly of a subset of inner arm dyneins and connects to regulatory hubs in cilia. Mol Biol Cell. 2019 Oct 1;30(21):2659-2680. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E19-07-0367. Epub 2019 Sep 4. PMID: 31483737; PMCID: PMC6761771.
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