From Lai-Wa Tam, Lefebvre lab, University of Minnesota, October 2008
James SW, Ranum LP, Silflow CD, Lefebvre PA (1988) Mutants resistant to anti-microtubule herbicides map to a locus on the uni linkage group in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics 118:141-147
James SW, Lefebvre PA (1992) Genetic interactions among Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutations that confer resistance to anti-microtubule herbicides. Genetics 130:305-314
Silflow CD, Sun X, Haas NA, Foley JW, Lefebvre PA (2011) The Hsp70 and Hsp40 chaperones influence microtubule stability in Chlamydomonas. Genetics 189:1249-60
CC-4265 mia1-1
From Susan Dutcher, Washington University in St. Louis, July 2008
This mutant is unable to perform phototaxis, and swims more slowly than wild type cells. The eyespot and photoshock response are normal. It was shown to have a defect in the f inner arm dynein complex. The phenotype and synthetic actions with other mutants are very similar to that of mia1 (CC-4265), but the two mutations map to different linkage groups.
King SJ, Dutcher SK (1997) Phosphoregulation of an inner dynein arm complex in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is altered in phototactic mutant strains. J Cell Biol 136:177-191
CC-4266 mia2-1
From Laura Fox, Sale lab, Emory University, December 2008; originally from Susan Dutcher
This mutant is unable to perform phototaxis, and swims more slowly than wild type cells. The eyespot and photoshock response are normal. It was shown to have a defect in the f inner arm dynein complex. The phenotype and synthetic actions with other mutants are very similar to that of mia1 (CC-4265), but the two mutations map to different linkage groups.
King SJ, Dutcher SK (1997) Phosphoregulation of an inner dynein arm complex in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is altered in phototactic mutant strains. J Cell Biol 136:177-191
CC-4267 psr1-1 mt-
From Jeffrey Moseley, Arthur Grossman group, Carnegie Institution of Washington, January 2009
The psr1 mutants are unable to secrete extracellular phosphatase during phosphate deprivation. This strain, which is a backcrossed derivative of the original psr1-1 cw15 strain, has a wild-type cell wall, and can grow on nitrate medium.
Shimogawara K, Wykoff DD, Usuda H, Grossman AR (1999) Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutants abnormal in their responses to phosphorus deprivation. Plant Physiol 120:685-693
Moseley JL, Gonzalez-Ballester D, Pootakham W, Bailey S, Grossman AR (2009) Genetic interactions between regulators of Chlamydomonas phosphorus and sulfur deprivation responses. Genetics 181:889-905
From Jeffrey Moseley, Arthur Grossman group, Carnegie Institution of Washington, January 2009
This appears to be the sac1(ars5-3) strain used by Moseley et al. 2009, which they describe as the product of a cross of “CC-2267 x ars5-1″ (described in Davies et al. 1996). There was never a CC-2267 in the public stock collection, and we suspect that CC-2677 (cw15 nit1-305, 5D) is meant instead.
The sac1 mutants as a group are deficient in response to sulfur limitation: they lack arylsulfatase activity, do not take up sulfate as well as wild type cells, and do not synthesize the periplasmic proteins that normally accumulate during sulfur-limited growth. This strain can grow on nitrate medium.
Davies JP, Yildiz FH, Grossman A (1996) Sac1, a putative regulator that is critical for survival of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii during sulfur deprivation. EMBO J 15:2150-2159
Moseley JL, Gonzalez-Ballester D, Pootakham W, Bailey S, Grossman AR (2009) Genetic interactions between regulators of Chlamydomonas phosphorus and sulfur deprivation responses. Genetics 181:889-905
From Jeffrey Moseley, Arthur Grossman group, Carnegie Institution of Washington, January 2009
This strain combines the psr1-1 mutant (see CC-4267) with sac1/ars5-3 (CC-4268). This strain has a wild-type cell wall, and can grow on nitrate medium.
Moseley JL, Gonzalez-Ballester D, Pootakham W, Bailey S, Grossman AR (2009) Genetic interactions between regulators of Chlamydomonas phosphorus and sulfur deprivation responses. Genetics 181:889-905
CC-4270 sac3 mt+ [are10]
From Jeffrey Moseley, Arthur Grossman group, Carnegie Institution of Washington, January 2009
The original are10 mutant was obtained by insertional mutatgenesis of CC-425 with ARG7 (pJD67; Davies et al., 1994), and was determined to be an allele at the SAC3 locus, which encodes a Snf1-like serine/threonine kinase. In Moseley et al. it is referred to as snrk2.2(are10). This strain has a wild-type cell wall, and can grow on nitrate medium.
Davies JP, Yildiz F, Grossman AR (1994) Mutants of Chlamydomonas with Aberrant Responses to Sulfur Deprivation. Plant Cell 6:53-63
Davies JP, Yildiz FH, Grossman AR (1999) Sac3, an Snf1-like serine/threonine kinase that positively and negatively regulates the responses of Chlamydomonas to sulfur limitation. Plant Cell 11:1179-1190
Moseley JL, Gonzalez-Ballester D, Pootakham W, Bailey S, Grossman AR (2009) Genetic interactions between regulators of Chlamydomonas phosphorus and sulfur deprivation responses. Genetics 181:889-905
CC-4271 sac1 sac3 mt+
From Jeffrey Moseley, Arthur Grossman group, Carnegie Institution of Washington, January 2009
This is probably the strain listed by Moseley et al. as sac1snrk2.2(F3), derived from a cross of CC-1690 x psr1sac1snrk2.2(A1) (see CC-4279). If so, the sac1 allele is ars5-3 (see CC-4268); snrk2.2(are10) is a sac3 allele (see CC-4270). This strain has a wild-type cell wall, and can grow on nitrate medium.
Moseley JL, Gonzalez-Ballester D, Pootakham W, Bailey S, Grossman AR (2009) Genetic interactions between regulators of Chlamydomonas phosphorus and sulfur deprivation responses. Genetics 181:889-905
CC-4272 psr1-1 sac3 mt+
From Jeffrey Moseley, Arthur Grossman group, Carnegie Institution of Washington, January 2009
This strain was derived from a cross of psr1-1 to snrk2.2/are10. It has a wild-type cell wall, and can grow on nitrate medium.
Moseley JL, Gonzalez-Ballester D, Pootakham W, Bailey S, Grossman AR (2009) Genetic interactions between regulators of Chlamydomonas phosphorus and sulfur deprivation responses. Genetics 181:889-905
CC-4273 sac3 mt+ [are16]
From Jeffrey Moseley, Arthur Grossman group, Carnegie Institution of Washington, January 2009
This appears to be the same strain as CC-3800. This strain has a wild-type cell wall, and can grow on nitrate medium.
Moseley JL, Gonzalez-Ballester D, Pootakham W, Bailey S, Grossman AR (2009) Genetic interactions between regulators of Chlamydomonas phosphorus and sulfur deprivation responses. Genetics 181:889-905
CC-4274 psr1-1 sac3 [are16]
From Jeffrey Moseley, Arthur Grossman group, Carnegie Institution of Washington, January 2009
This is probably the result of a cross between the original psr1-1 mutant and CC-3800. This strain has a wild-type cell wall, and can grow on nitrate medium.
Moseley JL, Gonzalez-Ballester D, Pootakham W, Bailey S, Grossman AR (2009) Genetic interactions between regulators of Chlamydomonas phosphorus and sulfur deprivation responses. Genetics 181:889-905
CC-4275 ars11 (snrk2.1) mt-
From Jeffrey Moseley, Arthur Grossman group, Carnegie Institution of Washington, January 2009
SNRK2.1 is a serine/threonine kinase that has a central regulatory function in controlling responses to sulfur starvation. Gonzalez-Ballester et al. described two mutants deficient in the expression of S-responsive genes. This strain has a wild-type cell wall, and can grow on nitrate medium.
Gonzalez-Ballester D, Pollock SV, Pootakham W, Grossman AR (2008) The central role of a SNRK2 kinase in sulfur deprivation responses. Plant Physiol 147:216-227
Moseley JL, Gonzalez-Ballester D, Pootakham W, Bailey S, Grossman AR (2009) Genetic interactions between regulators of Chlamydomonas phosphorus and sulfur deprivation responses. Genetics 181:889-905
From Jeffrey Moseley, Arthur Grossman group, Carnegie Institution of Washington, January 2009
This strain was derived from a cross of psr1-1 (see CC-4267) to snrk2.1/ars11 (see CC-4275). This strain has a wild-type cell wall, and can grow on nitrate medium.
Gonzalez-Ballester D, Pollock SV, Pootakham W, Grossman AR (2008) The central role of a SNRK2 kinase in sulfur deprivation responses. Plant Physiol 147:216-227
Moseley JL, Gonzalez-Ballester D, Pootakham W, Bailey S, Grossman AR (2009) Genetic interactions between regulators of Chlamydomonas phosphorus and sulfur deprivation responses. Genetics 181:889-905
From Jeffrey Moseley, Arthur Grossman group, Carnegie Institution of Washington, January 2009
This is probably the strain listed by Moseley et al. as psr1sac1snrk2.1(A3), derived from a cross of psr1 sac1 mt- (see CC-4269) x psr1 snrk2.1 mt+ (see CC-4276). This strain has a wild-type cell wall, and can grow on nitrate medium.
Gonzalez-Ballester D, Pollock SV, Pootakham W, Grossman AR (2008) The central role of a SNRK2 kinase in sulfur deprivation responses. Plant Physiol 147:216-227
Moseley JL, Gonzalez-Ballester D, Pootakham W, Bailey S, Grossman AR (2009) Genetic interactions between regulators of Chlamydomonas phosphorus and sulfur deprivation responses. Genetics 181:889-905
From Jeffrey Moseley, Arthur Grossman group, Carnegie Institution of Washington, January 2009
This strain was derived from a cross of psr1 snrk2.2 (see CC-4272) to psr1 snrk2.1 (see CC-4276). It has a wild-type cell wall, and can grow on nitrate medium.
Gonzalez-Ballester D, Pollock SV, Pootakham W, Grossman AR (2008) The central role of a SNRK2 kinase in sulfur deprivation responses. Plant Physiol 147:216-227
Moseley JL, Gonzalez-Ballester D, Pootakham W, Bailey S, Grossman AR (2009) Genetic interactions between regulators of Chlamydomonas phosphorus and sulfur deprivation responses. Genetics 181:889-905
From Jeffrey Moseley, Arthur Grossman group, Carnegie Institution of Washington, January 2009
This is apparently derived from a cross of Moseley’s psr1sac1mt- (see CC-4269) x psr1snrk2.2mt+, but we don’t know if it corresponds to strain A1 or D1 as listed in their paper. This strain has a wild-type cell wall, and can grow on nitrate medium.
Moseley JL, Gonzalez-Ballester D, Pootakham W, Bailey S, Grossman AR (2009) Genetic interactions between regulators of Chlamydomonas phosphorus and sulfur deprivation responses. Genetics 181:889-905
From Jeffrey Moseley, Arthur Grossman group, Carnegie Institution of Washington, January 2009
This is probably the original snrk2.1 mutant.
Pollock SV, Pootakham W, Shibagaki N, Moseley JL, Grossman AR (2005) Insights into the acclimation of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to sulfur deprivation. Photosynth Res. 86:475-489
Gonzalez-Ballester D, Pollock SV, Pootakham W, Grossman AR (2008) The central role of a SNRK2 kinase in sulfur deprivation responses. Plant Physiol 14:216-227
Moseley JL, Gonzalez-Ballester D, Pootakham W, Bailey S, Grossman AR (2009) Genetic interactions between regulators of Chlamydomonas phosphorus and sulfur deprivation responses. Genetics 181:889-905
CC-4281 snrk2.1 sac3
From Jeffrey Moseley, Arthur Grossman group, Carnegie Institution of Washington, January 2009
This strain was derived by crossing ars11 (see CC-4280) to are16 (see CC-3800).
Gonzalez-Ballester D, Pollock SV, Pootakham W, Grossman AR (2008) The central role of a SNRK2 kinase in sulfur deprivation responses. Plant Physiol 147:216-227
Moseley JL, Gonzalez-Ballester D, Pootakham W, Bailey S, Grossman AR (2009) Genetic interactions between regulators of Chlamydomonas phosphorus and sulfur deprivation responses. Genetics 181:889-905
CC-4282 Rh1-Phe77Ile mt+
From William Inwood, Kustu lab, U of CA Berkeley, March 2009
The Rh1 mutation was detected by Tilling as described for Arabidopsis thaliana in Greene et al. 2003 (Genetics 164, 731-740). As of March 2009, no phenotype has been found to be associated with this mutation.
CC-4283 fla3-1
From Mary Porter, U of MN, March 2009
This is progeny clone 1B from a backcross of the original fla3-1 strain (CC-1391) to 21gr. The backcrossed strain is temperature sensitive for flagellar assembly at 32 degrees. The FLA3 gene encodes the KAP (kinesin associated protein) subunit of the kinesin 2 complex, which also includes the motor subunits FLA10 and FLA8. The fla3 mutation is a single base pair change at nucleotide 6853 of the cDNA sequence (T to C) and results in the change of a conserved phenylalanine to a leucine at amino acid residue 453.
Mueller J, Perrone CA, Bower R, Cole DG, Porter ME (2005) The FLA3 KAP subunit is required for localization of kinesin-2 to the site of flagellar assembly and processive anterograde intraflagellar transport. Mol Biol Cell 16:1341-1354
CC-4284 bop5-2 (6F5) mt+
From Mary Porter, U of MN, March 2009
The 6F5 mutant was isolated by Steve Myster in the Porter lab using insertional mutagenesis of A54 e18 (CC-2929). The pMN56 plasmid containing the NIT1 gene integrated into the BOP5 locus encoding the IC138 intermediate chain of the I1 inner arm dynein. The insertion event was associated with the deletion of ~20 kb of genomic gene, including most of the IC138 gene. IC138 fails to assemble into the axoneme along with at least three other I1 dynein subunits (IC97, LC7b, FAP120) known as the IC138 sub-complex. There is also a second uncharacterized motility mutation in the strain.
The bop (bypass of paralysis) mutants were isolated by Dutcher et al. in a pf10 background, by selection for restoration of motility.
Dutcher SK, Gibbons W, Inwood WB (1988) A genetic analysis of suppressors of the PF10 mutation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics 120:965-976
Dutcher SK, Power J, Galloway RE, Porter ME (1991) Reappraisal of the genetic map of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Hered 82:295-301
From Mary Porter, U of MN, March 2009
The bop5-2 (6F5) strain was co-transformed with a genomic fragment of the IC138 gene (plasmid pHx) and pSI103 by Cathy Perrone in the Porter lab. Positive transformants were selected by growth on paromomycin. The 2BA transformant contains the full-length IC138 gene and reassembles the IC138 sub-complex into the axoneme (IC138, IC97, LC7b, and FAP120).
The bop (bypass of paralysis) mutants were isolated by Dutcher et al. in a pf10 background, by selection for restoration of motility.
Dutcher SK, Gibbons W, Inwood WB. A genetic analysis of suppressors of the PF10 mutation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics. 1988 Dec;120(4):965-76. doi: 10.1093/genetics/120.4.965. PMID: 3224813; PMCID: PMC1203588.
Dutcher SK, Power J, Galloway RE, Porter ME. Reappraisal of the genetic map of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Hered. 1991 Jul-Aug;82(4):295-301. doi: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.jhered.a111089. PMID: 1880392.
Bower R, VanderWaal K, O'Toole E, Fox L, Perrone C, Mueller J, Wirschell M, Kamiya R, Sale WS, Porter ME. IC138 defines a subdomain at the base of the I1 dynein that regulates microtubule sliding and flagellar motility. Mol Biol Cell. 2009 Jul;20(13):3055-63. doi: 10.1091/mbc.e09-04-0277. Epub 2009 May 6. PMID: 19420135; PMCID: PMC2704157.
From Carolyn Silflow, U of MN, May 2009
To obtain near-isogenic lines, strain CC-125 mt+ was crossed with CC-124 mt-. A mt- progeny was back-crossed to strain CC-125. This backcross was repeated 10 times. Strain 1A mt- is a progeny from the tenth recurrent backcross. Crosses were carried out by Pete Lefebvre in 1986-1887.
From Carolyn Silflow, U of MN, May 2009
To obtain near-isogenic lines, strain CC-125 mt+ was crossed with CC-124 mt-. A mt- progeny was back-crossed to strain CC-125. This backcross was repeated 10 times. Strain 3D mt+ is a progeny from the tenth recurrent backcross. Crosses were carried out by Pete Lefebvre in 1986-1887.
CC-4288 sid1 arg7 mt+
From Arnaud Martzolff, Patrice Hamel lab, The Ohio State University, May 2009
The sid mutants grow slowly in the dark. They were generated by insertional mutagenesis using the paromomycin resistance AphVIII gene in an arg7 mt+ background (strain 3A+).
CC-4289 sid2 arg7 mt+
From Arnaud Martzolff, Patrice Hamel lab, The Ohio State University, May 2009
The sid mutants grow slowly in the dark. They were generated by insertional mutagenesis using the paromomycin resistance AphVIII gene in an arg7 mt+ background (strain 3A+).
CC-4290 sid3 arg7 mt+
From Arnaud Martzolff, Patrice Hamel lab, The Ohio State University, May 2009
The sid mutants grow slowly in the dark. They were generated by insertional mutagenesis using the paromomycin resistance AphVIII gene in an arg7 mt+ background (strain 3A+).
CC-4291 sid4 arg7 mt+
From Arnaud Martzolff, Patrice Hamel lab, The Ohio State University, May 2009
The sid mutants grow slowly in the dark. They were generated by insertional mutagenesis using the paromomycin resistance AphVIII gene in an arg7 mt+ background (strain 3A+).
CC-4292 sid5 arg7 mt+
From Arnaud Martzolff, Patrice Hamel lab, The Ohio State University, May 2009
The sid mutants grow slowly in the dark. They were generated by insertional mutagenesis using the paromomycin resistance AphVIII gene in an arg7 mt+ background (strain 3A+).
CC-4293 sid6 arg7 mt+
From Arnaud Martzolff, Patrice Hamel lab, The Ohio State University, May 2009
The sid mutants grow slowly in the dark. They were generated by insertional mutagenesis using the paromomycin resistance AphVIII gene in an arg7 mt+ background (strain 3A+).
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