CC-4294 bop5-2 pf17
From Mary Porter, U of MN, June 2009
This is a double mutant strain derived from crossing bop5-2 (6F5) to pf17. bop5-2 (6F5) has a deletion in the gene encoding the IC138 subunit of the I1 inner arm dynein (described by Bower et al., 2009; see also CC-4080). The double mutant was constructed in the Sale lab and used as a host strain for transformation with the wild type IC138 gene by the Porter lab.
Bower R, VanderWaal K, O'Toole E, Fox L, Perrone C, Mueller J, Wirschell M, Kamiya R, Sale WS, Porter ME (2009) IC138 defines a subdomain at the base of the I1 dynein that regulates microtubule sliding and flagellar motility. Mol Biol Cell 20:3055-3063
From Mary Porter, U of MN, June 2009
This is a transformant of the fla3-1 mutant (CC-4283) with an HA-tagged copy of the wild type KAP gene.
Mueller J, Perrone CA, Bower R, Cole DG, Porter ME (2005) The FLA3 KAP subunit is required for localization of kinesin-2 to the site of flagellar assembly and processive anterograde intraflagellar transport. Mol Biol Cell 16:1341-1354
From Mary Porter, U of MN, June 2009
This is a transformant of the fla3-1 mutant (CC-4283) with a GFP-tagged copy of the wild type KAP gene.
Mueller J, Perrone CA, Bower R, Cole DG, Porter ME (2005) The FLA3 KAP subunit is required for localization of kinesin-2 to the site of flagellar assembly and processive anterograde intraflagellar transport. Mol Biol Cell 16:1341-1354
CC-4301 asq2 mt+
From Wallace Marshall, UCSF, July 2009
The mutant was made by insertional mutagenesis of strain CC-849 cw10, and then the initial isolate was outcrossed twice to CC-125.
The strain is in a mt+ background and carries the asq2 mutation, which is in the gene TBCCD1. The phenotype of asq2 is more or less identical to that of vfl1 and vfl3, but we found it through a different initial phenotype and that’s why it has a different name. We know it is not vfl1 or vfl3 but we don’t know for sure that it isn’t allelic to any of the other vfl mutants that have been described in mapping studies by Silflow. The mutation causes loss of phototaxis, dissociation of mother-daughter centriole pairs, random variation of flagellar and basal body number, and randomization of daughter centriole position on the cell surface (this last phenotype is what the “asq” refers to , it means that the position of flagella is “askew”). The ASQ2 gene is on linkage group IX. The mutation was made by insertional mutagenesis with the aphVII hygromycin resistance cassette. We have cloned the gene, and found it to encode TBCCD1, which was not picked up in the Chlamydomonas genome because of bad sequence reads in the vicinity but we found it by synteny with the corresponding region of the volvox genome. We have cloned the entire Chlamydomonas gene and deposited the sequence in genbank, accession number EU816954.
We described the initial genetic identification of the asq2 mutant in the following paper:
Feldman JL, Geimer S, Marshall WF (2007) The mother centriole plays an instructive role in defining cell geometry. PLoS Biol 5:149
The cloning of asq2 is described in the following paper:
Feldman JL, Marshall WF (2009) ASQ2 encodes a TBCC-like protein required for mother-daughter centriole linkage and mitotic spindle orientation. Curr Biol 19:1238-43
CC-4302 eye2-1 mt+
From Joseph Boyd, Carol Dieckmann’s lab, University of Arizona, August 2009, their strain 10-18
This is an eyeless mutant, UV-induced in the 137c background.
Lamb MR, Dutcher SK, Worley CK, Dieckmann CL (1999) Eyespot-assembly mutants in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics 153: 721-729
CC-4303 eye3-1 mt+
From Joseph Boyd, Carol Dieckmann’s lab, University of Arizona, August 2009, their strain 12-18
This is an eyeless mutant, UV-induced in the 137c background.
Lamb MR, Dutcher SK, Worley CK, Dieckmann CL (1999) Eyespot-assembly mutants in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics 153:721-729
CC-4304 mlt1-1 mt+
From Joseph Boyd, Carol Dieckmann’s lab, University of Arizona, August 2009, their strain 12-10
This mutant, which has multiple eyespots, was UV-induced in the 137c background, and was shown to be an allele at the PTX4 locus.
Pazour GJ, Sineshchekov OA, Witman GB (1995) Mutational analysis of the phototransduction pathway of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Cell Biol 131:427-440
Lamb MR, Dutcher SK, Worley CK, Dieckmann CL (1999) Eyespot-assembly mutants in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics 153:721-729
CC-4305 min1-1 mt+
From Joseph Boyd, Carol Dieckmann’s lab, University of Arizona, August 2009, their strain 12-12
This mutant, which was UV-induced in the 137c background, has a miniature eyespot in an equatorial position.
Lamb MR, Dutcher SK, Worley CK, Dieckmann CL (1999) Eyespot-assembly mutants in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics 153:721-729
CC-4306 min1 mlt1 mt+
From Joseph Boyd, Carol Dieckmann’s lab, University of Arizona, August 2009
From a cross of min1 (see CC-4305) x mlt1 (see CC-4304). This strain has a miniature eyespot positioned at the anterior lobe of the chloroplast.
Lamb MR, Dutcher SK, Worley CK, Dieckmann CL (1999) Eyespot-assembly mutants in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics 153:721-729
CC-4307 min1 eye2 mt+
From Joseph Boyd, Carol Dieckmann’s lab, University of Arizona, August 2009
From a cross of eye2-1 (see CC-4302) x min1-1 (see CC-4305). This strain is eyeless.
Lamb MR, Dutcher SK, Worley CK, Dieckmann CL (1999) Eyespot-assembly mutants in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics 153:721-729
CC-4308 eye2 eye3 mt+
From Joseph Boyd, Carol Dieckmann’s lab, University of Arizona, August 2009
From a cross of eye2-1 (see CC-4302) x eye3-1 (see CC-4303). This strain is eyeless.
Lamb MR, Dutcher SK, Worley CK, Dieckmann CL (1999) Eyespot-assembly mutants in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics 153:721-729
CC-4309 mlt1 uni1 mt+
From Joseph Boyd, Carol Dieckmann’s lab, University of Arizona, August 2009
From a cross of mlt1-1 (see CC-4304) x CC-1926. This strain has multiple eyespots and lacks flagella.
CC-4310 mlt1 mlt2 mt-
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From Joseph Boyd, Carol Dieckmann’s lab, University of Arizona, August 2009
From a cross of mlt1-1 (see CC-4304) x mtl2 (see CC-4320). This strain has multiple eyespots (1 to 4 per cell).
CC-4311 mlt1-2::NIT1 mt+
From Joseph Boyd, Carol Dieckmann’s lab, University of Arizona, August 2009, their K16
This is an allele at the PTX4 locus, created by insertional mutagenesis with NIT1 in a nit1 agg1 background (Pazour strain g1). It has multiple eyespots, averaging 2 per cell.
Pazour GJ, Sineshchekov OA, Witman GB (1995) Mutational analysis of the phototransduction pathway of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Cell Biol 131:427-440
Lamb MR, Dutcher SK, Worley CK, Dieckmann CL (1999) Eyespot-assembly mutants in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics 153:721-729
CC-4312 mlt1-3::NIT1 mt+
From Joseph Boyd, Carol Dieckmann’s lab, University of Arizona, August 2009, their F64
This is an allele at the PTX4 locus, created by insertional mutagenesis with NIT1 in a nit1 agg1 background (Pazour strain g1). It has multiple eyespots, averaging 2 per cell.
Pazour GJ, Sineshchekov OA, Witman GB (1995) Mutational analysis of the phototransduction pathway of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Cell Biol 131:427-440
Lamb MR, Dutcher SK, Worley CK, Dieckmann CL (1999) Eyespot-assembly mutants in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics 153:721-729
CC-4313 mlt1-4::NIT1 mt+
From Joseph Boyd, Carol Dieckmann’s lab, University of Arizona, August 2009, their B40-2
This is an allele at the PTX4 locus, created by insertional mutagenesis with NIT1 in a nit1 agg1 background (Pazour strain g1). It has multiple eyespots, averaging 2 per cell.
Pazour GJ, Sineshchekov OA, Witman GB (1995) Mutational analysis of the phototransduction pathway of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Cell Biol 131:427-440
Lamb MR, Dutcher SK, Worley CK, Dieckmann CL (1999) Eyespot-assembly mutants in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics 153:721-729
CC-4314 mlt1-5::NIT1 mt+
From Joseph Boyd, Carol Dieckmann’s lab, University of Arizona, August 2009, their B203
This is an allele at the PTX4 locus, created by insertional mutagenesis with NIT1 in a nit1 agg1 background (Pazour strain g1). It has multiple eyespots, averaging 2 per cell.
Pazour GJ, Sineshchekov OA, Witman GB (1995) Mutational analysis of the phototransduction pathway of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Cell Biol 131:427-440
Lamb MR, Dutcher SK, Worley CK, Dieckmann CL (1999) Eyespot-assembly mutants in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics 153:721-729
CC-4315 eye2-3::NIT1 mt+
From Joseph Boyd, Carol Dieckmann’s lab, University of Arizona, August 2009, their F39
This eyeless mutant is an allele at the EYE2 locus, created by insertional mutagenesis with NIT1 in a nit1 agg1 background (Pazour strain g1).
Pazour GJ, Sineshchekov OA, Witman GB (1995) Mutational analysis of the phototransduction pathway of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Cell Biol 131:427-440
Lamb MR, Dutcher SK, Worley CK, Dieckmann CL (1999) Eyespot-assembly mutants in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics 153:721-729
CC-4316 eye3-2::NIT1 mt+
From Joseph Boyd, Carol Dieckmann’s lab, University of Arizona, August 2009, their F35
This eyeless mutant is an allele at the EYE2 locus, created by insertional mutagenesis with NIT1 in a nit1 agg1 background (Pazour strain g1).
Pazour GJ, Sineshchekov OA, Witman GB (1995) Mutational analysis of the phototransduction pathway of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Cell Biol 131:427-440
Lamb MR, Dutcher SK, Worley CK, Dieckmann CL (1999) Eyespot-assembly mutants in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics 153:721-729
CC-4317 eye3-3 mt+
From Joseph Boyd, Carol Dieckmann’s lab, University of Arizona, August 2009, their strain 33
This mutant was induced in the 137c background with 5-fluorodeoxyuridine. It has a miniature eyespot in an equatorical position, and complements the mapped eyespot mutants min1, mlt1, eye1, eye2, and eye3.
CC-4318 min2 mt+
From Joseph Boyd, Carol Dieckmann’s lab, University of Arizona, August 2009, their strain 59-1
This mutant was isolated after mutagenesis with the CRY1 gene in the 137c background, but the mutation is not linked to the insertion. It has a miniature eyespot in an equatorial position.
Nelson JA, Savereide PB, Lefebvre PA (1994) The CRY1 gene in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: structure and use as a dominant selectable marker for nuclear transformation. Mol Cell Biol 14:4011-4019 [reference for CRY1].
CC-4319 mlt1-6 mt+
From Joseph Boyd, Carol Dieckmann’s lab, University of Arizona, August 2009, their strain 2-3
This mutant was induced in the 137c background with 5-fluorodeoxyuridine. It has 1 or rarely two miniature eyespots in an anterior position, and complements the eyespot mutants min1, min3, mlt1, mlt2, eye1, eye2, and eye3.
CC-4320 mlt2 mt+
From Joseph Boyd, Carol Dieckmann’s lab, University of Arizona, August 2009, their strain 2-8
This mutant was induced in the 137c background with 5-fluorodeoxyuridine. It has multiple eyespots, 2-4 per cell, and is similar to the mes-10 mutant of Nakamura et al. It icomplements the mutants min1, min3, mlt1, eye1, eye2, and eye3.
Nakamura S, Ogihara H, Jinbo K, Tateishi M, Takahashi T, Yoshimura K, Kubota M, Watanabe M, Nakamura S (2001) Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard (Chlamydomonadales, Chlorophyceae) mutant with multiple eyespots. Phycol Res 49:115-122
CC-4321 ac17 NIT+ mt-
From Xiaoqing Sun, Silflow lab, University of Minnesota, September 2009
This is strain SXQ0801C2, ac17 in a nitrate-utilizing background. It was derived from a cross of CC-1690 wild type 21 gr mt+ x CC-530 ac17 mt-. Xiaoqing Sun commented that this strain can be used for making diploids.
For more information on ac17, see CC-530.
From Xiaoqing Sun, Silflow lab, University of Minnesota, September 2009
This is strain SXQ0810C6, ac17 pf14 in a nitrate-utilizing background. A progeny clone from CC-1690 wild type 21 gr mt+ x CC-530 ac17 mt- was crossed to CC-613 pf14 mt-. Xiaoqing Sun commented that this strain can be used for making diploids.
For more information on ac17, see CC-530. For pf14, see CC-613.
From David Dauvillée, Steven Ball lab, University of Lille, France, December 2009
This is the background strain (nit1 nit2) used for isolation of some starch mutants.
From David Dauvillée, Steven Ball lab, University of Lille, France, December 2009
Phenotype: wall deficient, requires arginine
This is Ball’s strain 330, a cw15 arg7 (nit1 nit2) strain that was used as the background for isolation of some starch mutants. For a sequence verified copy, see CC-4568.
CC-4325 sta1-1 mt- [Ball I7]
From David Dauvillée, Steven Ball lab, University of Lille, France, December 2009
This mutant is deficient in the catalytic (small) subunit of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase. It was obtained by X-ray mutagenesis of the wild type strain CC-4323.
Van den Koornhuyse N, Libessart N, Delrue B, Zabawinski C, Decq A, Iglesias A, Carton A, Preiss J, Ball S (1996) Control of starch composition and structure through substrate supply in the monocellular alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Biol Chem 271:16281-16287
Zabawinski C, Van Den Koornhuyse N, D'Hulst C, Schlichting R, Giersch C, Delrue B, Lacroix JM, Preiss J, Ball S (2001) Starchless mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii lack the small subunit of a heterotetrameric ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase. J Bacteriol 183:1069-1077
From David Dauvillée, Steven Ball lab, University of Lille, France, December 2009
This mutant is deficient in the regulatory (large) subunit of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase. It was obtained by insertional mutagenesis of the cw15 arg7 strain CC-4324 (Ball 330).
Van den Koornhuyse N, Libessart N, Delrue B, Zabawinski C, Decq A, Iglesias A, Carton A, Preiss J, Ball S (1996) Control of starch composition and structure through substrate supply in the monocellular alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Biol Chem 271:16281-16287
Zabawinski C, Van Den Koornhuyse N, D'Hulst C, Schlichting R, Giersch C, Delrue B, Lacroix JM, Preiss J, Ball S (2001) Starchless mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii lack the small subunit of a heterotetrameric ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase. J Bacteriol 183:1069-1077
From David Dauvillée, Steven Ball lab, University of Lille, France, December 2009
This mutant is deficient in granule bound starch synthase I. It was obtained by X-ray mutagenesis of the wild type strain CC-4323.
Wattebled F, Buléon A, Bouchet B, Ral JP, Liénard L, Delvallé D, Binderup K, Dauvillée D, Ball S, D'Hulst C (2002) Granule-bound starch synthase I. A major enzyme involved in the biogenesis of B-crystallites in starch granules. Eur J Biochem 269:3810-3820
Izumo A, Fujiwara S, Sakurai T, Ball SG, Ishii Y, Ono H, Yoshida M, Fujita N, Nakamura Y, Buléon A, Tsuzuki M (2011) Effects of granule-bound starch synthase I-defective mutation on the morphology and structure of pyrenoidal starch in Chlamydomonas. Plant Sci 180:238-245
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